I'm losing weight and started drinking these nutrition shakes, they're not to tasty, are they?
Member Posts: 72
Which variety/brand/etc have you found to be actually good tasting? It's a shame that something that we need can't be actually good to drink. I think I'll try blending one with some ice cream and see if that helps.
One of my nurses suggested Carnation instant breakfast as a less expensive alternative to the nutrition drinks like Boost or Ensure. I would drink them when I had no appetite or felt too nauseous to eat. They were OK - especially with a little vanilla ice cream added.0
I had to drink the Boost Plus drinks before a big surgery. The chocolate was tolerable. I got it ultra cold and put it in the blender with some crushed ice and ice cream, and then it was good.0
I forgot to say that another solution to weight loss is eating high calorie food. My oncologist told me to eat anything I wanted - just eat. So load up a baked potato with butter, sour cream and cheese. Use half-and-half on your cereal and in your coffee. Make homemade mac and cheese and use milk, eggs and lots of cheese. Use cheese when making your scrambled eggs. Think calories to add not big volumes of food.0
I've drank a few strawberry ensure the last couple of days. It's not any better than I remember from 11 years ago.0
Lately, I have bneen drinking Orgain protein powder, which is sold at Costco or on Amazon. The "Creamy Chocolate Fudge" variety makes a pretty decent milk shake-like drink when mixed with "oat milk." As with nearly all protein powders, a handheld blender helps smooth the lumps out.0
I have been drinking Equate Meal Replacement Shake, from Walmart. The nutrition information is very close to Glucerna, but the price is better. I like the chocolate flavor best. I was having them cold, 3-4 times a day with meals, while having chemo. I was 82 lbs going into chemo ten years ago. I am still too thin, so I still drink 1 a day. In the last ten years, I have finely gained some weight - up to 98 lbs now. Since I also have diabetes, which interferes with what I can eat, I find it is working slowly. This Equate Shake (more like chocolate milk) has 24 grams carbohydrates, 5 gm fiber, 10 grams protein, 6 grams fat (1 gm sat.), 230 mg Na, in a 11 oz. bottle. Hope that is helpful.0
I don't know what stores you have near you, but I have found that two of the best tasting type protein shakes are Publix brand and Vega. I love the chocolate flavors. I often mix the vanilla ones with some sort of fruit- strawberries, blueberries, raspberries. I have even added a bit of acai but that usually turns out a little strange.
I have tried almost all of the "plant" milks. I like to use the unsweetened almond milk. I also like using coconut milk in them.
I agree with JaneA. If you need to stop the weight loss, then take in more high calorie foods. Just add a little something here and there- full fat butter, sour cream, cheese. I do think the Carnation breakfast stuff is pretty tolerable too.
So my favorite "shake" is a scoop or chocolate protein powder, between 1/2- 3/4 cup almond milk (depending how much ice I am adding), 1 tbl peanut butter, 1 tsp honey, 1 banana.
There is a smoothie place here that makes this particular type of "shake" and after 2 days of 12 ounce shakes at $6 each, I watched on the third day and learned how to make my own. I do sometimes add a little extra cocoa powder if I want it more dark chocolate flavored.
I really love the Vega brand. They sell it most places around here in my area outside Hilton Head SC. I have gotten it at Whole Foods, Kroger, Publix, Walmart, Target.
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Your on the right track with the ice cream, also agree with JaneA. It is summer, so make some shakes. Put the nutrition drink, ice ,fresh or frozen fruit in a blender and you have a great tasting shake in an instant. Add ice cream for more calories and creamier texture. Bananas make a thicker shake. Also nuts are good for you , walnuts especially are high in fat, so go nuts with nuts.0
My husband's radiation inflamed his esophagus along with the mouth sores so the only thing he would tolerate were vanilla marshmallow milkshakes. I started adding protein drinks like Boost and Ensure to them on the sly and he didn't notice. The Orgain protein powder that po18guy mentioned is what my daughter uses with my picky eater grandson to help get some weight on him. She makes it like a milkshake and he enjoys it..0
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