Sunday's "deep thought" - It's a boating thing
Member Posts: 742
Suppose you bought a new boat and was going to name it after your cancer situation. What would you call it?
"Hope Floats" or "Cautious Optimism."0
Hope or, like I named one of my cats, Opdivo.0
I keep thinking I would go with "Not Going Down"0
I actually saw a sailboat in the Harbor Town marina names "Press on Regardless." That would be the name of my boat.0
Riding The Waves0
That's a great name for a boat Greg. We all hope we are "Not Going Down" on a boat. LOL
@Jane A- what a great name for a boat. Do you mean Harbor Town at Hilton Head? If so, how often do you get to Harbor Town? I work on Hilton Head and would be thrilled to meet you if you are ever in the area.
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Wait, that's for a submarine. Boats you say? Hmmmm...
"Any Port in a Storm"?
"I.V. Plague Education"?
"Trial by Sur-Jury"?
"S.S. Mel Ignant"?
"Ray D. Ayshun"?
"Glow-n-the dark"?
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