Several Universities have announced that they will require students to have a flu shot and a covid 1
Member Posts: 72
Can you imagine the backlash that will come from the conspiracy theorists? We can't even get people to wear a stupid mask to keep from killing each other with a virus with no cure, can you imagine what the outcry will be when they are forced to have a flu shot or a vaccination for covid?
To see the average public reaction to this all you need to do is cruise the social media channels and search for "mandated immunization" or "forced shots" or something like that and you will see all those people posting why they will go down guns blazing before they get a shot. And their explanations are good entertainment.0
Oh I remember that kind of thing when I was in college. My senior year was coming up, and a letter came to me stating I needed a measles shot if I wanted to be able to come back to school. I thought what I had as a baby took care of that; however, measles were running wild on college campuses all over the country, and my college wasn't taking any chances. So I went into a clinic and got the shot. HUGS and God bless.0
My daughter is permanently brain damaged from a childhood vaccine. If she would have a severe reaction to the Covid vaccine, she could die. I've talked to her physician. The decision should be between the doctor and patient. The government is trying to fast track the Covid 19 vaccine and it scares me. Will it be safe? College students being forced into vaccination could have reactions worse than the disease. I hope that is not the case.0
Oh that's terrible mwfd, I guess there are some things that we just don't know that will happen. I guess that's why they put a list of "possible" side effects on every drug bottle. They cover themselves. I agree there should be some discussion0
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