Prostate cancer test ExoDx
Member Posts: 56
Have any of you used this test? It's a urine sample test instead of a biopsy for diagnosing
"The ExoDx Prostate(IntelliScore) (EPI) test is a non-invasive risk assessment tool for detection of high-grade prostate cancer (HGPC) that informs whether to proceed with prostate biopsy. "
Think about it this way: Your PSA score is about 3.5; doc says, "see you next year." Your PSA score is about 4; doc says "biopsy time." Biopsy comes back clean, but you are going to get a biopsy every year or so, from now on, just to be safe.
With this new test, Your PSA score is 4; doc says "do this next test." It comes back clean; doc says "see you next year." It comes back not-so-clean; doc says "biopsy time."
The difference is that with the new test, guys get spared a biopsy lots more often.
James 2:24
(I am NOT an MD, this is just for illustration.)
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