How are you doing with keeping hope alive throughout your cancer diagnosis?
Member Posts: 742
Our blog post today has some tips about how to keep hope alive and in the front of mind, and why it's so important to have it. Take a look at the article here>> and then, please share!! We ALL need more HOPE!
I never lost hope from the first day of diagnosis until now. I believe in living today and letting tomorrow take care of itself ... so I don't spend much time worrying about the future.
I have seen so many miracles during the time since I was diagnosed. This is a very hopeful time in history for those of us with cancer - they've made such huge strides over and above what they had done for 50 years previous (at least that is true for lung cancer) ... survival rates are climbing, treatments are more effective and not as toxic. If I have to have cancer, I am glad it is now and not back in the 70's like when my dad had my same kind of cancer and, after going through hell with treatment, died in 6 months.0 -
This couldn't have come along at a better time. Thank you for posting it.0
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