Have any of you been contacted by an attorney or contacted an attorney about this Zantac causing pro

BobsProstate Member Posts: 56
edited June 2020 in General Cancer
I halfway think it's just a lawyer scam where they will get all the money and each patient gets 20.00 but you never know. The curiosity is killing me. (bad choice of words, I know)


  • GregP_WN
    GregP_WN Member Posts: 742
    I took Zantac for years, but no prostate cancer, ......yet. It seems like I'm going through the cancer list of different types trying them all out. I hope I don't get it. An interesting note on this. Last night I saw this question and while on the computer on Facebook I noticed an ad about this issue from a law firm. I clicked on it to get some information about it so I would be a little more informed. Immediately after that, I was seeing ads for law firms all over the country on the Facebook feed. It's amazing how "cookies" on your computer work to track what you are looking at.
    Let us know if you do contact a law firm about the Zantac causing prostate cancer and how it works out.
  • KB2013
    KB2013 Member Posts: 62
    These lawyers only go after sure wins and claim 30-40% of the booty. Class action clients share in the remainder of the judgement. It’s every ambulance chaser’s dream. I filed my info for a class action against my (national) bank that ripped me off for $450+. I had to submit a year’s worth of records proving I was ripped off and it cost me another $75. for those paper copies. I mistakenly assumed I’d recover what the bank ripped me off for in illegal surcharges but, all I got was a check for $5.75...tragic.