Genetic testing
Member Posts: 12
Has anyone with prostate cancer knowledgeable about genetic testing? Where is the best place to read about this. My husband has been tested and we are waiting for the results.
I’ll be interested to see what you come up with regarding genetic testing. From what I’ve been reading many of the next generation drugs may seem to target certain genetic defects.
I’ve asked my doctor for genetic testing with the thought that I would be eligible for newer drugs or clinical trials down the road.
Some articles I find interesting:
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My husband just had genetic testing (Invitae Diagnostic Testing). They tested 47 genes and his results were negative, meaning that he will not be able to try the 2 drugs recently approved by the FDA.0
Berk80, they were checking to see if my tumor had the PD-L1 receptor that would allow Keytruda to do its thing and kick start my immune system to go after it. I'm happy to say that it does. I have had one full day at Vanderbilt meeting with the study doctor, my oncologist, another ENT that will give me an injection into one of the tumors with a clinical trial drug, in combination with the Keytruda. Today, we go back to have another CT scan, my third in a month. I'm going to be glowing before all of this is over.
c1a1c1, sorry his tumors didn't have what you needed. Hopefully they will have other options. My oncologist told me that they had a couple of other options for treatment in case of a negative result from my tests. Usually, there are other plans. I get worried if my doctor ever says he has nothing else. There is always, always, hope!0
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