Acinar cell pancreatic cancer
Member Posts: 4
Does anyone have acinar cell pancreatic cancer? That’s me a rare type of pancreatic cancer. Looking for similar diagnosis
I have a different type of cancer but the pandemic seems to have slowed down posting on this site a bit. I'd keep checking back (altho you'll be notified of any responses) and keep asking questions.0
I don't have that type of cancer cell, but I did have stage IV pancreatic cancer. I had surgery on November 3, 2000. I beat this thing for 19 years and now it has returned in the form of stomach cancer. I will beat this thing just like I did before. My best to all of you...Russ0
Good for you Russ. I will do some research Kalidria and get back to you.0
Acinar cancer is a type of non-small cell lung cancer that usually occurs in the bases. They are doing a lot more for non-small cell lung cancer. My dad had non-small cell lung cancer at the base of the bronchus but close to his heart so hard to treat over 18 years ago.0
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