Have any of you had the covid test?
Member Posts: 52
I knew they put a swab up your nose, but I didn't think it would go that far back and I didn't expect any pain at all from it. The girl told me it would hurt for about 10 seconds, she was NOT wrong. Anyway, all in all, I've had lots worse done to me so far. With this test out of the way, I can have my surgery on Thursday.
That's a good description. I had one done today to clear me for surgery on Wednesday. My nurse said the same thing, it's going to hurt for 10 seconds. I thought, please, how bad can a cotton swab hurt that's being rubbed around in my nose. Wow, I've had lots done worse too, but it did hurt more than I ever would have thought.0
No sign of Corona in my case. Doctor stated last week that I remain so immune suppressed that even if I had it, my immune system might not mount enough of a defense to produce detectable antibodies. Yikes! However, in 2019, I had such swabs which detected Human Meta-Pneumo Virus, Human ParaInfluenza Virus, Human Respiratory Syncytial Virus, the common RhinoVirus, and a couple or three others which were never identified. So far in 2020, only one 24 hr virus - a post-transplant personal best! :-0
My ENT runs a lighted optic probe into my sinuses so far that the light is coming from behind my eyes. Now 'that' is a strange sensation...0 -
Good luck with your surgeries, @GregP_WN and @Coloman. I'm glad you both tested negative and am praying for good results from your surgeries this week.
@po18guy - that sounds really weird to have the light come from behind your eyes! Stay safe!
You guys definitely have made me hope that I do not have to have the COVID19 test!0 -
Best of luck for complete success and quick healing to both of you.0
Thinking of COVID, has anybody heard news that either the Moderna or Phizer have started methods to alter cancel using the mRNA? What I read seemed important because it could be applicable to ANY cancer.0
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