Have you ever considered that the road we go down with our cancer is left to chance in many points i

GregP_WN Member Posts: 742
edited 2020 16 in General Cancer
At any given office visit, biopsy, scan, blood test, MRI, or physical exam, things can either go right or take a left and go wrong, down that highway to hell. That's where I am again, sitting at a stop sign and waiting to see which way we are going. It all starts today with a PET Scan, surgery on Wednesday and depending on how that goes, we will know which way I'm turning. I have some thoughts on this posted on the blog page here>> https://bit.ly/2yLqZuE


  • Bengal
    Bengal Member Posts: 518
    edited 2020 16
    That's why do many of us are familiar with that term "scaniety". And why we keep hearing, waiting is the worst. Every time we have any of those things you mentioned we know it can go either way.

    But, as you're sitting at that stop sign I hope you know you are surrounded by the thoughts and prayers and well wishes of so many friends.
  • GregP_WN
    GregP_WN Member Posts: 742
    edited 2020 13
    Thank you Bengal
  • legaljen1969
    legaljen1969 Member Posts: 763
    edited 2020 13
    Hey. I thought I sent find thoughts and good vibes. Sounds like it was an eventful day. My thoughts are with you.
  • LiveWithCancer
    LiveWithCancer Member Posts: 470
    edited 2020 16
    Good luck, Greg!! Really hoping you get to make a right turn and keep driving that direction for a really long time to come.

    That was a really creative way of thinking about this journey we're on ... perfect way to describe it!

    You and Donna are in my prayers and my thoughts as you go down the road ... one more time.
  • Jayne
    Jayne Member Posts: 134
    edited 2020 13
    Ah, Greg....I am so sorry to hear this, I'll be praying you do get that right hand turn. I really feel for everyone having to deal with their active cancer treatment plans during this pandemic. A double whammy for sure, hoping you can keep your anxiety in check while the plan unfolds. Remember all the wonderful advice you've given out over the years and how many people on this site are pulling for you and Donna!
  • GregP_WN
    GregP_WN Member Posts: 742
    edited 2020 13
    Thank you for your good wishes. This morning was another example of sitting at that red light. I received a notice that new test results were posted on the MyHealth at Vanderbilt site. Immediately I thought of the PET results. Instantly, my mind started racing with the possibilities, has it spread? Where to? Is it in my lungs or brain? Is that why I've had a little chest pain? I had a pretty bad headache a couple of days ago, is that why? Then again, it could be clean except for the two spots we already know are suspicious.
  • Bug
    Bug Member Posts: 394
    edited 2020 13
    Greg, I think of you and Donna so often. I'm sending my very best wishes, prayers and warm hugs to you both.
  • wldflwrgoddess
    wldflwrgoddess Member Posts: 17
    edited 2020 13
    Sending you prayers and love.
  • petieagnor
    petieagnor Member Posts: 110
    edited 2020 16
    Yes, I do. I try to enjoy the ride, but not knowing what will happen wants to take over.