Covid-19 testing, have you been tested?

GetItOut Member Posts: 10
edited 2020 28 in General Cancer
There is a reference to "those with underlying health conditions", which refers to people like us and others with similar serious health conditions. It seems to me that we should be some of the first ones tested. Nobody has suggested that I get tested, my treatment facility does a temp check but that's it, no mention of a test. Anybody actually been tested?


  • Bengal
    Bengal Member Posts: 518
    edited 2020 28
    No. My county and region of the state is begging for more testing supplies. They are just not yet available and downstate gets all the priority. And we are now learning that a temperature check is pretty meaningless since many carriers are asymptomatic. We hear testing, testing, testing but what is needed is supplies, supplies, supplies. Also tracking, tracking, tracking.
  • po18guy
    po18guy Member Posts: 329
    edited 2020 28
    I am going to ask to be tested, since I am in the target demographic. I suspect that I may have had a mild case about one month ago, since I had that "icky" feeling in the muscles in my upper back and shoulders, as well as a temperature. However, Covid-19 is known to affect the heart and liver. Last blood draw, one of my liver numbers was wonky and there has never been a problem with my liver. Probably some other virus, but there's only one way to know.
  • JaneA
    JaneA Member Posts: 335
    edited 2020 28
    Testing is in short supply here in GA. You have to have symptoms to get approved for testing. Fortunately, now there is drive-thru testing in small communities 3X a week so this should help. But without more widespread testing, we'll never catch asymptomatic patients who seem to be a the primary source of spread.
  • LiveWithCancer
    LiveWithCancer Member Posts: 470
    edited 2020 28
    I haven't been tested. No one I know has been tested, at least that I know about.
  • Bengal
    Bengal Member Posts: 518
    edited 2020 28
    Now I am wondering if the "bronchitis" I had in early March could possibly have been coronavirus. My doctor didn't seem concerned at the time but we are now learning alot more and that many people might have been infected early on and not ever known it. I think if I called my doctor with the same symptoms today the protocols would be way different than what they were the first week of March. I would like the antibody test at some point to either dispelling or confirm. I hate to think of the number of people I was in contact with at that time. I believe it was actually bronchitis but then again........