First cancer threatened my job, now this stupid virus has taken it.
Member Posts: 56
Has anyone else lost their job due to either or both?
Luckily I am retired, but my daughter lost hers.
I am sending her my government check IF & WHEN it comes.
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Molly, I heard that some of our local people got their direct deposit today. So it's supposed to be rolling out.0
Retired as well and using mine to help out family members impacted by virus quarantine.0
Fortunately, I am retired. I worked in outside sales travelling a territory so I would definitely have lost my job during this. I am so sorry. File for unemployment and use this time to recover.0
Not yet....but I feel it coming. I work for a major company notorious for layoffs, but somehow they have managed to find a conscience during this. BUT I have no doubt that when the virus subsides just a bit, the layoffs will be right behind.0
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