Inspiring words for everyone, don't wait, be nice today.
Member Posts: 4
You never really know the true impact you have on those around you. You never know how much someone needed that smile you gave them. You never know how much your kindness turned someone’s entire life around. You never know how much someone needed that comforting talk. So now, more than ever, don’t wait to be kind. Don’t wait for someone else to be kind first. Don’t wait for better circumstances or for someone to change. Just be kind, because you never know how much someone needs it. ~ Nikki Banas
Sometimes, a small gesture or a smile can uplift someone. During my fight, I tried to smile especially when I was at chemo. The nurses remarked that it was good to see a smiling face during battle.0
I believe that a positive attitude and being happy won't cure my cancer. But it sure will make this fight a little easier. We can choose to be miserable and mad at the world every day, or we can choose to look for the good, look for the blessings in each day and make the most of what we are given.0
For the first couple of months that I was having appointments prior to my surgery, I always had a smile on my face. My surgeon's nurse always said to me "There's that smile. I know you hate to see us but I enjoy seeing you smile." It's funny because I am very self conscious. I was bullied a lot as a child and I always think people are being sarcastic when they compliment me, so I am pretty quick to discount positive words. For example, if someone laughs around the same time they pay me a compliment, I will "know" they are not sincere. If you tell me you like my shirt, it will be the last time I wear it. If you tell me "Wow, that ring is pretty," it will never again be seen in public except by the person who gave it to me. It has happened even with things gifted to me by people I love.
She told me that one of their other patients had remarked to her that the "girl who always smiles hasn't smiled in a long time. Is she okay?" That patient told her that she always felt hopeful when she saw me because I was always smiling before and she hoped my smile was coming back because she was worried for me. I never in a million years thought my smile made anyone happy or gave hope to anyone.
Who am I to be the one that makes anyone feel sad? Who am I to not give hope by a simple smile? Who am I to worry anyone? Well, I have made sure to smile at every appointment since then. I don't know who likes seeing my smile, but I am going to be sure it's present in case they are looking.
I also made a book with positive affirmations and quotes and put it in the lobby at our breast care center. I just put it there and pretended I accidentally left it. The next time I was in, the receptionist told me that she found my book after someone told her how much they enjoyed it. She was going to give it back to me. I told her to keep it and if someone else needed it and wanted to take it, that I hope they would pass it on. I have made a few more copies and put them in the medical and radiation oncology offices. I hope they are lifting spirits.0 -
Awe @legaljen1969, I can tell you that from reading your posts, I have thought that you were a super nice and very generous and caring person. I am so sorry that you were bullied to the point that you maybe believed what the bullies were saying I always enjoy your posts because you seem like a sincere, open person ... one that I would enjoy knowing "in the real world." And none of that is said to be sarcastic at all.
I am glad the nurse convinced you that your smile was benefiting someone (probably a lot more than one someone). What a nice gesture to make the book. Would you tell us more about the book? I think I would be interested in trying something similar to drop at my cancer center if I ever get to go back again. I haven't ever figured out why God has kept me here on this earth, but I do try to spread hope everywhere I go. And it sounds like that is just what your book is doing!0 -
@LiveWithCancer, the book is simply one of those photo books you can make at Walgreens or on Shutterfly. I put some pictures in it from various Race for the Cure walks I have done to benefit others. I googled positive quotes and put those around the pages as well. I just did about 8 pages. My next venture to leave for people to enjoy is to leave a journal where people can write down their thoughts and other people can respond. It will be sort of an interactive journal.
I was thinking back on spending time in the chapel where my father had open heart surgery. There was a prayer notebook at the front of the chapel where people would write down prayers for their loved ones and people could read them and offer prayers. Some people would write things back and you could see a dialogue starting. The notebook went back about 4 years when I saw it. People would come back later and write that their family member had passed away or write that surgery went well and the person was being discharged. I was sitting in there when another lady came in one day and asked about the notebook. The young lady and I sat and read some of the notes and prayed for the families. After the second day my father was there, I would go down every time I visited and see if anyone else had written anything else.
I just think sometimes we feel so alone in this journey. Since you have said you are retired, I know you will understand. There is something special about handwriting a note or writing in a journal. It feels much more personal. I will see how it works out. Maybe I will just put the journal in the hospital chapel instead.
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