Do youy ever have people look at you and just say HUH? when you tell them what type of cancer?
Member Posts: 24
I have osteosarcoma. It's a rare bone cancer and when I tell people (when they ask) what I have I usually get a blank stair. People just aren't familiar with it. Because of this I usually try to stay away from even talking about it. Anybody have that problem?
I’ve heard about it and some of the other types of sarcomas. However, I know no one who’s had any sarcomas. I remember when one of Bobby Kennedy’s sons had it in his leg and had to have the leg amputated. Decades ago.
I had breast cancer, so no one I told was unfamiliar with it.0 -
Angioimmunoblastic T-Cell (non-Hodgkin's) Lymphoma. A few vacant stares there.0
How long it has been since you've diagnosed with this cancer and what were the early symptoms?
How is your treatment going on?
One of my friend also died with bone cancer but not sure which type of bone cancer it was.
I hope you can be better soon.
Best of luck!0 -
I had an Angiosarcoma & a Gastro intestinal stromal tumor.
Now Carool, you know someone who has had 2 sarcomas!0 -
Not a sarcoma - but I am too embarrassed when I was first diagnosed with rectal cancer to say that word - "rectal." But after my first chemo, it finally dawned on me that cancer doesn't occur in convenient places, and if not me, then who helps tell the stories that we have to raise awareness of the symptoms.
So I opened up. When I told someone that I had Stage IV rectal cancer, their first question was, "What were your symptoms?" My only symptom was bleeding which my PCP said was "probably hemorrhoids."
So instead of giving the official name, tell them that you have a rare bone cancer called osteosarcoma. And that might start the conversation of how you found out, aka the symptoms.0 -
Molly72, I guess I do! Wish I’d never “met” either of you on this site (you know what I mean). Hugs.0
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