Do you reveal your cancer diagnosis during the application process for a loan?

GetItOut Member Posts: 10
edited 2020 11 in General Cancer
I am refinancing our home and my bank doesn't know about my diagnosis. I am afraid to reveal anything about it for fear that they will consider it a liability for me and not approve my loan. Have any of you been through the loan process while having cancer? Are there any laws that protect us?


  • po18guy
    po18guy Member Posts: 329
    edited 2020 11
    If the question is specifically asked, then answer honestly. If it is not, then do not volunteer the information. They know what to ask and will ask it, if need be.
  • GregP_WN
    GregP_WN Member Posts: 742
    edited 2020 08
    If I am remembering this right, an employer cannot ask about health conditions. That may be a state by state thing, but I think that's correct. I wouldn't offer the information unless the job you might get would be difficult to perform due to your side effects or treatment.
  • Richardc
    Richardc Member Posts: 10
    edited 2020 11
    I wouldn’t volunteer your health information or provide it if asked. The lender can only ask questions related to your employment or source of income Used in qualifying for the loan. I was in mortgage lending for a number of years and health issues were not a legitimate question on the application.
  • Homans
    Homans Member Posts: 2
    edited 2020 11
    Google HIPPA, I’m not a lawyer, but I don’t believe they are supposed to ask you for personal health information until they get a signed release form you that gives them permission to look at your health information, or confirm your diagnosis with your doctor. That may, or may not be required to get the loan. I don’t know for sure. I know I had to sign many medical release forms to release my medical information between doctors, & hospitals, and even for the hospital to release information to my wife. I think I even had to sign one when I applied for short term disability at work, so the insurance company that paid the short term disability could verify my medical history.
  • CancerNews
    CancerNews Member Posts: 11
    I have not applied for a job lately, but I do know that health questions are not supposed to be on the application. That doesn't keep them from asking you "how's your health" during the interview. They are not supposed to, but what are you going to do?