Have you been told that your surgery will be on hold until further notice?
Member Posts: 20
This is a post by someone on one of my FB groups, this is sad.
"I’m beyond devastated, I have stage four mucoepidermoid carcinoma. I was booked for surgery to remove a tumor to my parotid gland with a seeded part that is growing very fast on my neck. But due to the Coronavirus, my surgery was canceled and at its current rate of growth, they are concerned it will be too big by the time they can do surgeries again. I feel they have handed me a death sentence."
"I’m beyond devastated, I have stage four mucoepidermoid carcinoma. I was booked for surgery to remove a tumor to my parotid gland with a seeded part that is growing very fast on my neck. But due to the Coronavirus, my surgery was canceled and at its current rate of growth, they are concerned it will be too big by the time they can do surgeries again. I feel they have handed me a death sentence."
I have a biopsy coming up. It might be delayed. I was told to be prepared to come when I'm supposed to, but to call ahead 1 day and verify that it's still on. Things are really up in the air right now.0
I'd call the office and check about the follow up--
Missy and Jax didn't get their normal shots and heartworm tests. Those were cancelled, and the city isn't doing city dog licenses this year because of COVID 19.
Mid-May-- the vet offices in the city are planning on resuming regular office visits in Mid- May-- right now only emergencies are being seen. I have an appt for Missy and Jax-- a week apart as I don't know how strong I'll be feeling.0
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