EPA Tells Which Disinfectants Work Against Coronavirus and for How Long
Member Posts: 470
Go to https://www.epa.gov/coronavirus and scroll down a bit.
Thank you! We apparently cannot trust the WHO, who has been telling us NOT to wear masks. Since Korea has done such a remarkable job, I found this video quite enlightening.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gAk7aX5hksU0 -
Thanks to both of you for these pieces.0
As they say, you learn something everyday!0
Thanks for posting this, it's crazy that we are in the richest country in the world and here we are looking at methods of making your own homemade TP, hand sanitizer, and disinfectants.0
I've never seen or heard of any of the products mentioned by the EPA.
Lysol and bleach products are not available in my area.
But, soap & water still is. As are homemade masks.
One needs to use common sense these days since the "advice" from our government is non-sense in some cases; in some cases it changes hourly.
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