How is the general public reacting to this pandemic in your area?
Member Posts: 4
What we are seeing is so many of the younger people are not paying attention to this and don't think it's a big deal. They are infecting others and making this worse I'm afraid.
It depends on the people. Some are acting like idiots licking doorknobs and toilet seats to "prove that it's not that bad". Then there are those who go to Walmart with the entire family, grandma, the dog, and a couple of friends along for the ride just to walk up and down the isles snotting and sneezing on everything, and then there are those who are not in the belief that this whole thing is a "hoax" and they are taking it seriously and staying home in isolation.0
People in my immediate area are practicing physical distancing. I see many early morning shoppers in the grocery store. Few, however, are wearing masks. I hope to see an increase in that. The problem is not just lack of availability, but the early misinformation that advised that mask wearing was not helpful. I understand that the CDC will be issuing revised guidelines, encouraging mask wearing.0
In general, we are like sheep without a shepherd. Not much has changed with the human race.0
Well, in California, we are self isolating. I live in the very northern part of the state. Our county has had four cases of the virus, one 70year old lady has died.. She had heart surgery a few weeks earlier. Restaurants and all nonessential businesses are closed. I am surprised with all the people and children at home I do not see any increase in people out exercising on runs or walks. I do not see kids playing outside their homes. Kind of eerie. Getting ready to brave the grocery store this coming Monday since supplies growing short. Toilet paper a priceless commodity here, shelves cleaned out of toilet paper early . Some people have shredded up undershirts to use in place of toilet paper plugging up the waste facilities. Now that was something I never thought I would hear on the news, along with all the other surreal news being broadcasted over the networks.0
People are finally starting to get it through their heads that this is no joke! But I'm afraid it's a little too late now. Because of the late call to get everyone off the streets and close things down thousands of people have been exposed to this that shouldn't have.0
Personally, I'm working from home. I've only been out to pick up my groceries (I order online and the workers load it in my trunk - nice service) and to pick up carry out from restaurants, as I am trying to support local small businesses. There aren't a bunch of people out. I want to grab dinner yesterday, and I did see more people taking a walk or riding their bikes than usual.0
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