Home made Toilet paper- recipe makes sense
Member Posts: 308
part 2
Soak the paper in a bucket or a tub of water. This will help remove the ink from the paper. Remove the paper after the ink appears to be 75 percent gone.
Step 2
Place the paper in a large pot with a couple of handfuls of leaves and grass. This will help the paper fibers remain together. Fill the pot with water so the paper is covered completely. Place the paper on a heating element and let simmer for one hour. Do not boil at first so the dry materials may absorb the water.
Step 3
Raise the temperature on the heating element and bring the water to a boil. Let the pot boil for 30 minutes. Add more water, if necessary. Remove any foam with a spoon or ladle. The paper will turn into a pulp during this process.
Step 4
Remove from the heating element. Pour or ladle out as much water as possible without disturbing the pulp. Wait for the water and pulp to cool before removing the rest of the water. Do not let the pulp dry. Place the pulp back into the pot after all of the wate
Soak the paper in a bucket or a tub of water. This will help remove the ink from the paper. Remove the paper after the ink appears to be 75 percent gone.
Step 2
Place the paper in a large pot with a couple of handfuls of leaves and grass. This will help the paper fibers remain together. Fill the pot with water so the paper is covered completely. Place the paper on a heating element and let simmer for one hour. Do not boil at first so the dry materials may absorb the water.
Step 3
Raise the temperature on the heating element and bring the water to a boil. Let the pot boil for 30 minutes. Add more water, if necessary. Remove any foam with a spoon or ladle. The paper will turn into a pulp during this process.
Step 4
Remove from the heating element. Pour or ladle out as much water as possible without disturbing the pulp. Wait for the water and pulp to cool before removing the rest of the water. Do not let the pulp dry. Place the pulp back into the pot after all of the wate
Sounds like a lot of work, but a person will do what they have to do. That process is the same for making fire logs out of newspapers.0
You've heard how some of California's government sewer systems are under attack from T-Shirts and other rags being flushed down the toilet, along with baby wipes, etc. I don't intend to make my own. I had a hard time finding table salt. I needed only 1 pound and that's what we got.0
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