What Cancer Patients Need To Know About The Coronavirus - Today's blog post

GregP_WN Member Posts: 742
edited 2020 12 in General Cancer
The first fact to remember is that the worldwide coronavirus outbreak is a very fluid situation. Almost every day brings more news — more cases, new cases in another country, and more than a little bit of panic among many people. So gird yourself with some courage and self-restraint. You don’t need a month's worth of groceries at home, and you don’t need to stock up on bottled water. Today's blog post has "today's information", it will change tomorrow so stay informed. Click here for the article>> http://bit.ly/2IwLLQ2


  • BuckeyeShelby
    BuckeyeShelby Member Posts: 196
    Thanks, Greg! I shared w/my boss, who is a caregiver for his wife.
  • BoiseB
    BoiseB Member Posts: 225
    edited 2020 12
    I have one other suggestion. You should go to your state and local (county) department of health for information daily. In Washington, Governor Inslee has been having daily press conferences since the first fatality. By going local you will be informed of closures and cancellations. Also you will be informed about emergency services (ie paid sick leave, Medicaid extensions)
  • JaneA
    JaneA Member Posts: 335
    edited 2020 12
    As my article indicated, the coronavirus outbreak is a very fluid situation. The World Health Organization (WHO) has just declared the coronavirus outbreak a pandemic. See link below:
