Do you have life insurance? Have you tried to buy insurance after you were diagnosed?

GregP_WN Member Posts: 742
edited March 2020 in General Cancer
It's not easy to find a company that will cover you after you have had cancer. It's sort of like trying to buy homeowner's insurance on your house after it's on fire. A few companies will consider you, here is one we have an article about on our blog page. Take a look at it here>>


  • Whitey61
    Whitey61 Member Posts: 26
    edited March 2020
    I have carried 2 policy's for many years and still have them both for another 10 yrs if I make it that long?, Be 65 next month...they are expensive premiums, but my family is protected.
  • Teachertina
    Teachertina Member Posts: 205
    edited March 2020
    I tried, nobody would even talk to me. After the second and third episodes of cancer, NO was even stronger! So my family will get nothing but personal items and property. Not much in savings either. That’s how it goes for many of us.
  • BobsProstate
    BobsProstate Member Posts: 56
    edited March 2020
    A life insurance salesperson stopped by my office a year or so ago, and for some reason I decided to take out 500K in a 20 year term policy figuring that I'll have everything taken care of by then and won't need it. 3 months later I was diagnosed with cancer. Stroke of luck? The insurance, not the cancer.
  • Paperpusher
    Paperpusher Member Posts: 78
    Hubby has a few small policies that amount to less the 100K but something is better than nothing. And yes he tried to get a new policy to see what they'd say. With his history, I'm surprised they weren't rolling on the floor. lol