Our Blog Post today has a list of crazy things that most of us have heard people say to us about hav

GregP_WN Member Posts: 742
edited 2020 08 in General Cancer
You have surely heard some of these, if you have heard something different please list it in the comments below. We know that most of the time they maybe they don't know what to say, but some of these are funny, while others are just plain stupid. Read the article here> http://bit.ly/2T1VZwv


  • cllinda
    cllinda Member Posts: 153
    edited 2020 08
    There are so many that I heard going through treatment. Some people shouldn't say anything.
  • Bengal
    Bengal Member Posts: 518
    edited 2020 08
    "But you're done with chemo." Statement, not question. In other words, you're done with chemo so what is your problem?
  • Dawsonsmom
    Dawsonsmom Member Posts: 99
    edited 2020 08
    I wanted to kiss the people who said, “I’m so sorry. I don’t know what to say.” It so echoed my reaction when I got my dx and i knew it was completely genuine. Of course, I heard some of those stupid things, too, but I think they were well intentioned. (The Road to h_ _ _ is paved with good intentions.) :-)
  • Berton
    Berton Member Posts: 1
    edited 2020 08
    I have heard many of these from some saying " you don't look sick." Or "what stage and how long do you have to live?". I had even heard even from my own sister saying " I doubt he even has cancer."
    When it comes from your own family it hurts the most. From strangers it is more understandable for they do not know. But family is the worse.
  • Carool
    Carool Member Posts: 787
    edited 2020 23
    I heard the “could get hit by a bus” even from my breast cancer support group women. We had breast cancer AND could get hit by a bus. Having a life-threatening disease doesn’t mean we can’t still die from other things.
  • Boogerman
    Boogerman Member Posts: 6
    edited 2020 23
    I bet you're glad to get back to life as it used to be.

    That's what I hear quite a bit. They don't realize that there IS NO life as it used to be. Cancer steals that from us.
  • petieagnor
    petieagnor Member Posts: 110
    Gosh, you all said it all so well. I do try to explain about MBC to strangers, but just ignore friends & family. Sometimes, my husband will take over & I don't have to say anything.