Tips to avoid germs when you have cancer

BoiseB Member Posts: 225
edited 2020 21 in General Cancer
I came across this article on Even though it is rather basic. It gave me some points to ponder. What are your thoughts I am sure many of you can expand on this?


  • Kp2018
    Kp2018 Member Posts: 105
    edited 2020 20
    I would add one thing: If the COVID19 comes to your area, it would be very wise to self-quarantine.
  • BoiseB
    BoiseB Member Posts: 225
    edited 2020 21
    Spot on Kp2018. We have a new medical service here. It is called Dispatch Health. If you have a medical problem that you would go to urgent care for. You can call them and they send a Physicians Assistant and a RN to your home. This eliminates sitting in the urgent care germ exchange. I used them a few weeks ago when I had an ear infection. Less than 45 minutes after I called them the were at my door. The exam took about 1/2 hour and the prescribed ear drops and printed out a report sent a report to my PCP and arranged for follow up. They take most insurances in the area and the cost is about what a visit to urgent care would cost. In my case it was less.
    I also liked the "travel with care" tip. That made me think that could also apply to public transportation. I am going to buy some travel size wet wipes.
  • po18guy
    po18guy Member Posts: 329
    edited 2020 20
    Glove up! Wash hands before and after using the bathroom or you may infect yourself! From another forum:

    To avoid the dissemination of incorrect information, best to consult with:

    In the US, the Center for Disease Control (CDC):

    In Canada, it is HealthCanada:

    In the UK, the National Health Service (NHS):

    In Australia, the Department of Health:

    Worldwide, The World Health Organization:

  • Kp2018
    Kp2018 Member Posts: 105
    edited 2020 20
    BoiseB, thank you for making me aware of Dispatch Health. What a wonderful service, and exactly what is needed by many cancer patients whose immune systems are badly compromised..

    I googled it and found that it is available in many parts of the US. But, unfortunately, not where I live. Nonetheless, it is nice to know that such a useful service exists.
  • BoiseB
    BoiseB Member Posts: 225
    edited 2020 21
    Kp There are other like services springing up. I hope there is one coming soon to your neighborhood. These are like the "visiting nurses" we used to have when I was a child.
  • cllinda
    cllinda Member Posts: 153
    edited 2020 21
    One thing I was told was to stay away from crowds. So no church, shopping, or large gatherings. But I did my chemo through the winter, so I basically was grounded except for doctor appointments and hospital stays. Rough year.