Have you had weight gain or loss issues during your cancer treatments?
Member Posts: 742
Some of us lose weight while others gain. Our blog post today has some information about how to maintain a healthy weight. Read the article here>> http://bit.ly/2SVYTmm
I lost about 50 pounds during g treatment. One heck of a way to lose weight.0
I had problems with weight gain and weight loss from 2012 'til this past year.I'm now at a normal weight without even trying.0
Yes, I was petite to begin with, and I lost 25lbs, dropping to 94ibs. I had oral cancer, which made it painful to eat. I gained back enough to now maintain a normal weight. I can eat everything I want as long as I exercise.0
First treatment for head and neck/throat cancer I lost about 20% of body weight even with a feeding tube. Gained some of it back in 2 years just in time to lose more with 2nd go at metastatic throat cancer. No tube this time. All thanks to chemo. What has hit me the hardest is the amount of muscle mass and strength that I have lost and isn't coming back. Aging is part of it but the lack to strength has really impacted my normal daily life.0
I've had the yo-yo effect for 4 years now. It's not been more than 10# either way. I'm on a drug now that gives me a sweet tooth so I have to watch it. I exercise as much as I can tolerate which helps.0
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