Chemo-induced peripheral neuropathy
Member Posts: 2
Any suggestions and/or successes? I am 8+ years out from ending my chemo, which left me with (CIPN) neuropathy. I have taken alpha-lipoic acid, B vitamins, folic acid and even tried several months of acupuncture. All to no avail in even minimizing, its gradually increasing effects. Today it feels as if the bottom of feet swollen, toes wrapped in duct tape and as if I am walking in army boots. I have been EMG tested and have been on increased Gabapentin now for several years and sleep with compression stockings. Appreciate any input.
I had really bad peripheral neuropathy when my lupus was active. My feet felt like there were on fire and I could sleep. My internist prescribed Elavil, a tricyclic antidepressant - it worked wonderfully. I works differently than Gabapentin - I took it for occipital neuralgia (also related to lupus), and it worked for me.
Here's a link to an article about the tricyclic antidepressants and how they work for neuropathy. They are cheap and don't have many side effects. Best wishes for pain relief. -
Wow, I am sorry to read about your lack of success with anything. I will be a 8 years survivor next month. My CIPN (24/7 hand and feet tingling) didn't start until one week after I finished chemo and I stayed on ALA as started during chemo for hand and calf cramping. When diagnosed, I tried Gabapentin at 300mg which helped CIPN, but had me a zombie during the day. Reduced dosage did nothing for CIPN, so I stopped taking it. I also take a B Vitamin, but the doctor I saw about a year after chemo for acupuncture for energy as started back to work had me take a supplement - Standard Process Neurotrophin PMG wthich you can only get from health care professional (though I see some web sites selling it). Neurotrophin PMG is a Protomorphogen™ extract formula that supports healthy central nervous system function. If you go to web site, it provides a search by zip code to see who has it (
The tingling went away after several months, leaving some numbness behind. Today, if I am on my feet for long hours, my feet are screaming at me. From yoga, I lie on my back with my butt up against the wall and my legs going up the wall which helps. Or I soak my feet in Murphy's soap in warm water. I had heard that if you had CIPN after a year, then it likely wouldn't go away.0 -
I was never on gabapentin until this year when I started feeling this tickling thing in my throat. It was first thought to be a nerve problem so gabapentin was prescribed to knock it down. That didn't work though since that was not the problem. I'm on it still though to help knock down these shooting nerve pains that are coming after this surgery. I can see that it's helping with that. I have no advice other than gaba. I'm sure others will have some more input for you.0
I've only been on gabapentin for a few months, I couldn't tell much difference in the beginning but now I can tell that it helps with the nerve pain associated with surgery. The last time I had a surgery like this the nerve pain was killer. Gabapentin wasn't even around back then.0
Thank you all for taking the time to read and respond to my question with your invaluable input. I plan to not only investigate, but to also present them to my neurologist at my forthcoming appointment in the hope that she will provide her medical acumen and present me with some input and/or alternative possibilities.0
My husband uses a compounted cream on his feet that has gabapentin and ketamine. it works extremely well.he was on cymbalta but had extreme mood swings and side effects. his psych switched him to prozac for depression and added abilify and his neuropathy seemed to be better after that. he no longer takes gabapentin.0
I was told to eat a diet high in magnesium such as dark green leaves and nuts.0
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