My doctor said they can't give anything that will stop the pain in bones.
Member Posts: 24
There might not be a pill or pain killer but I know people often find other things that work. Have any of you found something that will help with bone pain?
I know that Claritin stops bone pain when you get a Neulasta shot. It's worth a try.0
Couple of things. A second opinion and/or a consult with your treatment facility's pain clinic. I cannot imagine that there is untouchable pain. Some doctors are fearful of prescribing opioids - and that is understandable, but at some point patient care must enter in!0
I had a bone marrow biopsy once, way back in 1988. The oncologist that did it told me that they couldn't deaden the bone, but could give me meds that would make me forget that period of time. I know this isn't what you are looking for, it's a different type of pain you are having. But he did mention something similar.0
Have you tried acupuncture? My son has a spinal injury-lots of pain- no feeling in his feet. The first few years he fell a lot. Acupuncture helps him a lot. I use self-hypnosis, and it usually gives me relief. Sometimes the relief lasts only for a few hours, so I do it again.
Have you tried Gabapentin? Massages are good. Can you be referred to a pain clinic? Probably massages and Gabapentin would work? or massages and self-hypnotism. A pain clinic saved my life. The Air Force prescribed different hard operating room meds, which didn't work at all- I took them back and threw those at a Colonel. A pain specialist would know if a nerve block could give you relief..0
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