In case you arent aware, do not let your life or health insurance lapse while you are in treatments

Coloman Member Posts: 52
edited 2020 13 in General Cancer
You will not be able to get new insurance for several years after treatment ends and then the options are few. I recently had a conversation with a fellow cancer patient who thought she could drop an expensive life policy and pick up a new one with another company. NO.....That would be sort of like waiting to buy homeowner's insurance until your house is on fire.

Check all your policies and make sure they are current and put them on auto-draft pay so you don't forget them.


  • GregP_WN
    GregP_WN Member Posts: 742
    edited 2020 12
    This is a common misunderstanding by a lot of people. You cannot, as a general rule, buy life or health insurance after you have gotten sick. After you finish treatment and are clean for a number of years, you may be able to obtain insurance then. Sometimes riders will be placed on the coverage not paying for future cancer expenses. I was able to purchase a cancer policy, health insurance, and life insurance after 10 years.
  • alivenwell
    alivenwell Member Posts: 84
    edited 2020 13
    I had life insurance since I was in my 20s. I thought of cashing it in for a good time. Maybe not.
  • lo15
    lo15 Member Posts: 10
    edited 2020 13
    We had to let my husbands go when he retired as it was thru his company. Lesson learned no matter what you have thru work, buy some privately
  • alivenwell
    alivenwell Member Posts: 84
    edited 2020 13
    For any life insurance where you're financially strapped, do not drop your policies but rather see if any dividends are available for you to collect. One phone call can make a difference.