

  • Deidre
    Will these hats "be coming soon to a store near you?" You could be on to something!
    February 2013
  • Deidre
    Hair is highly overrated anyway!
    February 2013
  • BuckeyeShelby
    Hi TC. How goes the "quest for a new hat"...?
    February 2013
  • LMM
    Yes, I have the pump with 5-FU and they hook me up to the cisplatin during me hours there. Yes, I am going to have to get some hand sanitizer by the front door too. I keep stressing to my kids how important it is that thy don't get sick. Told them if they do they have to stay elsewhere. Is that cold blooded of me?
    How are you doing TC? Staying strong. You are always my pick me up. I was having one of those moments when leaving infusion. But saw your posters and feel alittle better.
    God bless you.
    February 2013
  • Deidre
    Well maybe you could try the ice caps and they would have the opposite effect! You never know.........
    February 2013
  • Carol-Charlie
    Good Morning TC... Hope you have a great day.
    February 2013
  • LMM
    TC, will you tell me which of your nodes were affected and how many were affected? The doc just gave me some bad news. He said the reason they have taken me to tumor board twice is because they don't know what to do with me. The cancer is in the nodes all the way up on the right side of my body upto the diaphragm ( I think that's how it is spelled) when this journey first started the first doc I saw said first chemo/ radiation and then surgery to take tumor out. Now my oncologist says all they can do for me is chemo. This has been a draining day.
    February 2013
  • LMM
    TC, at times when I am feeling down; I log on to WhatNext and go to pinboard only to find some of the best pick me ups posted by you and Greg. I just wanted to say thank you for picking me up.
    February 2013
  • FROG1210
    Love your photo makes me smile everytime
    February 2013
  • Carol-Charlie
    Oh hey.... I like this new pix... Looking good kid!!!!!
    February 2013
  • LMM
    Hey TC just wanted to see how you were doing? God bless you.
    January 2013
  • LMM
    I will start chemo on Feb. 8th. I am just praying to get in with Loma Linda's cancer center. The doctors there make me feel more hopeful. The group I am currently with seems to be at a loss as far as what to do. I just don't understand. I am thankful that they sent me for the second opinion. God is the only light in all of this. How long before your docs got moving on a plan for you?
    January 2013
  • LMM
    Hi TC, I had the ct guided biopsy of the nodes in question. Came back positive. I think I shared with you that the docs at my current med group requested a 2nd opinion and I was able to get into Loma Linda's cancer center. Now I am praying that my insurance will allow me to be treated by this cancer center. I am not feeling very confident in the oncologist contracted with my insurance. I hope you are doing well. Talk with you soon. God bless.
    January 2013
  • KimG
    thanks ticklingcancer for your input on the question I had on job hunting and bankruptcy. You all made me feel better-kim09
    January 2013
  • SpunkyS
    So how did the weigh in go? You are inspiring me to be heatlhier.
    January 2013
  • mgm48
    I don't think I ever told you how much I like the picture - the hat is something else.

    Keep it positive and smile :)
    January 2013
  • Ydnar2xer
    Hey TC--wanted to let you know I finished chemo yesterday! 18 weeks of it! YEAH! Now I finally feel like I can get my life back! But have to have port surgery AGAIN tomorrow. This second one seems to be infecting me. They want me port-less for about a month, which is fine with me. Just having Herceptin infusions every 3 weeks now, so not too many needle marks on my arm! Hope all is well with you!
    January 2013
  • stanhartke
    Hey guy, I tried to contact you through the exchange email link but realized my email associated with this account doesn't work. Anyway, I'm a fellow mediastinal germ cell tumor survivor, diagnosed in July 2012. We are rare birds for sure, since it's pretty rare. If you'd ever like to compare notes, look me up.
    January 2013
  • SpunkyS
    Glad you are back! :D
    January 2013
  • LMM
    Hey TC I hope you are feeling much better today!!
    January 2013
  • SpunkyS
    I have been missing you. Sorry you had a bug. Hope you are feeling better.
    January 2013
  • LMM
    TC thanks for sharing info about the port. And for easing my mind about the CT guided biopsy.
    January 2013
  • BuckeyeShelby
    Hey TC! Did you survive round 2 w/the personal trainer? That program isn't available in my city. I'm not sure if that's good or bad... Ok, back to being a cheerleader. Rah!! (My coworker from Little Rock always tells me that I'm so darn helpful...)
    January 2013
  • LeslieR
    Just checking out you photos link... you seems like such a fun guy! Loved the pics, made my day : )
    January 2013
  • LMM
    Hey TC, met with radiology doctor today. First thing he said is that I was too young to be the patient, he thought one of my parents was his consult. Anyhow he stated my case was reviewed by tumor board on Tuesday night and that they agreed this is rectal cancer not anal due to the cells involved. This 3 cm tumor is sitting just above dentate line (boarder of anus and rectum) each area consisting of specific cells. He then proceeds to tell me that I am still a puzzle to all of them because of the lymph nodes that appear abnormal in pet scan. He said the biopsy of the tumor was staged at a late T1 early T2, but that I may be stage 4 because of the nodes in ? Now they are ordering an assisted biopsy via cat scan of the nodes in question. Met with my oncologist after radiology doc and he said another recommendation the board made was that "they" are requesting a second opinion from my insurance company! I thought I was suppose to ask for a second opinion, not the docs!!!! So to coin their phrase I am a puzzle to them. So I must continue to pray and wait now for this biopsy of the nodes, and wait on approval for docs request for second opinion from Loma Linda University Hospital or from UCLA.
    It has been a very long and taxing day for me, my parents and hubby. We leave it in GOD'S hands, continue our prayer, and take one day at a time. I thank God I am back in the classroom where my day is busy with my kids.
    Enough about me, how's the work outs going? What's the weather like where you are? Talk with ya soon.
    Take care and God bless.
    January 2013
  • LMM
    TC, you can do it!! One pound at a time :)
    January 2013
  • Rbboulet
    Thanks for the quick response, I am new to this and appreciate all the help.
    January 2013
  • GregP_WN
    Hey TC, I seen your video's that you recorded, mad props to you my friend, you done good! They should be posted next week when the new release rolls out for the home page.
    January 2013
  • SpunkyS
    Went to my first LiveStrong exercise class at the Y tonight. Had to keep from staring at the coordinator trying to figure out if it was you. If he had been wearing a frog or a blonde wig I would have known it wasn't you much quicker.
    January 2013
  • LMM
    Just arrived home. Still more waiting for me. My oncologist said they don't have enough pieces to the puzzle yet to deternine a plan. They will take my case to the tumor board because they are not sure if it is anal or rectal cancer, and each requires it's own treatment plan. The pet scan did show that lymph nodes on the right side look abnormal. He also said the tumor itself was about 1 to 2 cm in size, then he said he believes that may stage is higher than 2. Tomorrow is colonoscopy and ultra sound. He said the doctor doing that test will be able to contribute more pieces to the puzzle once that is done. I am still trying to make my way through the fog of this cancer journey, I don't know much but I think when the lymph nodes are involved it is bad isn't it? They will now be scheduling me with a radiation doctor. I have another appointment to see my oncologist on Jan. 24 th and hopefully there will be more answers, maybe then I will know where I stand and what type of plan is awaiting me. This waiting is so hard.
    January 2013