

  • angimary
    Hello there,I red you comment at my wall & I don't know how you looked when you had long hair,but you look amazing right now...keep being healthy,god bless you XOXOXO
    November 2014
  • fiddler
    Hi Leslie,
    Last January I was dx'd w/TNBC, Stage 1A, grade 2. Went through all the AC and 4 Taxol, switched to Abraxane for 2, quit 2 early. Finished rads 8/8/13.

    I just had a papilloma taken out yesterday. It showed up suddenly after tx finished, about 1" from the former cancer, and I had aggressive cancer, so out it came!

    I'm wondering "What'sNext"? Did you have cancer and it returned, or is it the reconstructive surgery that you're returning for?

    I'm a little (very little) paranoid about the TNBC thing, wondering sometimes where it'll show up in my body next. One of your posts said that "they" think TNBC may be ovarian cancer in the breast. Would you be able, what, 2 years later, to tell me where I can find that info?
    Sheila in Western WA
    September 2013
  • Nonnie917-89591
    Welcome to the site. I think that you will find this a friendly place to come when you need to sound off or vent from anger. We are all here to listen and help, if we can, because at some point and time in each of our lives we have been in your situation. Please don't be afraid to ask questions either. No question on this site is silly or dumb. We all have questions we would like other opinions on or answers to. There are so many nice people here that it has helped me get through my fears I had when I was DX'd with DCIS. Good luck in the future.
    September 2013
  • ValerieR
    Thanks for the response Leslie. Much appreciated. I was diagnosed with tbnc last January... What a year and a half it has been. I had a 10 cm tumor in my right breast, and was stage 3. I had a breast exam the previous month, and the tumor was not there (or was just not large enough to detect). Also had a gbood mammogram two months prior to that. This is scarey stuff, but it sure does make you stronger. Love your hair!!
    July 2013
  • StamPurr
    Nice to meet you. I'm 53 and was diagnosed with TNBC in March of this year. I'm about half way thru 6 months of chemo, which will be followed by double mastectomy, and then 6 weeks of radiation and then ??? I thinking that I will wait until after radiation to do reconstruction, but not sure that I will go there. If I do, I think I want the DIEM (or is it DEIM?) reconstruction. If I can find the right surgeon and if, if, if.... Don't want implants and don't want TRAM -- too invasive. Anyway, other than this cancer thing I am pretty healthy. Yes, I could lose 20 pounds (chemo is currently helping with that, altho I expect I will gain it back eventually, so BIG CONGRATS on losing weight on purpose). What is the "second stage" of your surgery? So was the long recovery the reason behind your "might not do it again" comment?
    June 2013
  • susan2013
    Thank you for responding Leslie. I really need someone who understands to talk to. I am just in the midst of a "mini breakdown" LOL. I am trying very hard to be positive, but it's so overwhelming. All the appointments, things to learn...plus the fear etc....and though my boyfriend and family are very supportive, they have their own things to deal with, and I feel tremendous guilt for "disrupting "their lives...do you know what I mean? They tell me they love me and don't worry....but I feel horrible for what they are having to go through because of this. Does that sound crazy? I really appreciate you responding, and I will check out the info you gave. Nice to meet you, and I hope we can stay in touch. There does not seem to be much info on my particular cancer. My oncologist said it's very rare...and that's the reason I am so afraid. They seem to be at odds of how to treat it. I hope that things work out well for you, and if you need someone to talk to, just let me know ok? I pray you stay healthy! P.S....I hope I did this right (responding here)...wasn't sure. I'll get the hang of it though lol! :)
    June 2013
  • Missvampyr
    HI Leslie,

    First off thank you for telling me that you too wanted to pinch someones head off lol. I just want to rip the throat out of ppl who complain about silly things like "Oh Gee I can't buy that pair of shoes" or something stupid like that. I have a friend who is a hypocondriack and it really angers me cause I am dealing with a real disease and now all of sudden she thinks that she is gonna get it. COME ON GIVE ME A BREAK nobody ever says that they are gonna get this disease, NOBODY WANTS TO HEAR THOSE WORDS FROM A DR. I just want to rip her throat out when she says that, it angers me cause so many are having to deal with this in their lives. Can I ask ,how did you manage to function at work dealing with this disease, didn't you just want to lose it but couldn't because you were at work? I am perm. disabled so I didn't have to deal with that issue just the ones in life in general. How did you deal with a failed reconstruction and why did it fail, was it done to soon? Sorry if I ask to many questions its just that I am curious. For me reconstruction isn't and option for several reasons the first being that I am TERRIFIED of needles the second that since I had radiation 13 yrs ago the surgeon had to take more skin that he thought which then put him like right next to and almost on top of my heart scar. So now in addition to my new scar throbbing I have to deal with my 39 yr old heart scar throbbing again as well. Do your friends, family or coworkers treat you any differently since your diagnoses and surgeries? Have you had any other health issues cause you trouble since your surgeries? Just a week post op my sugar levels bottomed out and I needed to have paramedics called to my home. I was unresponsive, it was my sister in another state 2300 miles away who called and sent me the help. I was told that its because my body is healing so fast my sugar levels could drop suddenly like they did. You seem so happy now, like your in a good place in life now. Do you still have bad days when you just want to cry or will that pass? Thanks for your encouraging words. I hope that you have a blessed day.
    June 2013
  • TCT99H
    Hi Leslie, I was wondering if you were able to use your insurance with the hospital on St. Charles because that is where my doctor recommended me to go but they are telling me that they don't accept insurance anymore.
    June 2013