

  • Lynne-I-Am
    Hi back lady. Yes I am doing fine. Going up into the cooler mountains in a couple of weeks for ten days camping. Thanks for sending some cooler weather Redding's way. I guess a cold front up in your neck of the woods is responsible for temps in the 80's instead of the upper nineties. I'LL TAKEIT! Hope all is well with you also.
    July 2016
  • Lynne-I-Am
    kalindria, had to drop by and tell you what a good picture you took while having a night out on the town. Your hair looks great too. Big thumbs up lady.
    June 2016
  • Lynne-I-Am
    Went to Amazon to purchase your book but husband could not find it in the book section?
    March 2016
  • Lynne-I-Am
    Ok, read some of your postings, and I was not aware that your CA 125 was elevating. Get my CA 125 results sometime this week by mail. Was suppose to see my doctor this Friday but he rescheduled for April, and I did not get the information until after I had already had my blood draw. I had my doctor write on the orders to send the results to me as well as to him. Terrible that we are all held hostage by the next blood draw.Thinking of you kalindria and sending some positive vibes and a hug.
    March 2016
  • Lynne-I-Am
    Hi, you devil. Nice to see your postings. Well, we are getting the much needed rain in California. Starting to feel like Washington State.:) My next doctor's appointment is in early April, so far so good.
    March 2016
  • goodkarma
    You're in my thoughts & prayers!

    Hope your CA125 increase isn't due to anything major!

    Karen in TX
    March 2016
  • Patriciaa1963
    I had no idea your CA 125 had doubled. Mine is up too. I go back Wed for another blood draw. Mine went from 15 to 57, just hoping & praying it's a fluke for both of us. Good luck at your appointment later this month. I should have an update (good or not so good) by Friday.
    March 2016
  • miedle
    Hi Kalindria. Thanks for your message. It's been an up and down process these past few years. Yes at times I get sad but, I'm trying very hard not to make cancer who I am. I'm becoming more concerned with life than constantly thinking about the opposite.What makes it difficult is my neurological problem. Since I have difficulty walking, I am limited in my physical activity.
    How are you doing? Let me know what's going on.
    November 2015
  • goodkarma
    I have no idea why I was never notified about your post to me- so sorry for the delay!

    My cancer was hormone sensitive (I think ER+), so they explained (even though I'm post- menopausal) this drug stops the process where the body somehow converts fat cells to estrogen, hopefully preventing recurrence by squashing this estrogen creating process.
    September 2015
  • Lynne-I-Am
    kalindria, have you chased down the sisterhood yet? I know you would like the site.
    August 2015
  • goodkarma
    Your experience is SO encouraging to me! Are you also on an anti-hormone regimen like Femara? I'm getting rather discouraged by the side effects...
    August 2015
  • geekling
    Sorry about your female dorktor. :/

    I don't know how your appetite is but you will (honestly) be able to slightly ease the arthritis by eating a couple of cups of berries (raspberries, blueberries, a few blackberries and so forth) and a small handful of cherries every day for 10 days. The difference will be so slight you won't notice until you stop taking them on the 11th, 12th, so forth day from your start and the improvement wanes.

    Sometimes I eat the whole berries for breakfast along with other fruit or cereal. Other times I take a handful of nuts/seeds to blend with them, add a cup of sprouts and drink it on down.

    I'm also growing a plant called "moringa". Please look it up on a search engine. I'd be happy to send you some to try. I call it strength or the vitamin plant...it gives you energy and it is just food.

    Hope work isn't too much of an ordeal. Best wishes.
    June 2015
  • sarasmash
    Thank you for your kind words. It's a rough journey all of us have to go. But, this website has been so kind and so welcoming. It's nice to know I am not battling this war on my own. I am trying to have a sense of humor even if my Doctors don't see that. :p
    June 2015
  • Carool
    I love your response to "But you don't LOOK sick"! Just had to post this.
    June 2015
  • Lynne-I-Am
    Glad to see you are back online here. Are you all settled? Must be quite a change living up in Washington. California still dry. Snowpack below 7000 ft. up where I live just about zero, lowest since records started in 1945. Maybe we need a canal from Washington to California.
    April 2015
  • IronMom45
    Yes exactly my medical ins people have caused me an ulcer I didn't have prior to all this. And I agree suppose to be stress free not more stressed. Sorry for all you are going through. I can't believe with chemo brain, shortness of breath, bone pain and severe lymphedema I can just skip back to my previous life. Ugh but as you say we are alive!!! That's what I keep trying to remind myself. I hope all goes well with your new onc and you can settle in and get your long term back.
    April 2015
  • innadoon
    Hi kalindria, thanks for your kind post. Keep in touch! :)
    April 2014
  • leonardgreeson
    Congrats on being in full Remission , I was diagnosed with Lymphoma Type B , back in July and had the surgery done for the bios and it was stage 4 and they put me on the R-chop regiment and went through 6 months of that and well , at the doctors visit just before Christmas , I was given the best news , as a Christmas present , that I was in Remission and now , only having to go do the PET Scans every 3 months with a doctor follow-up , I never doubted that I would make it .
    March 2015
  • IronMom45
    Thanks for the post especially the part jealous about the certificate it made me laugh. Lol. I was upset there was no bell to ring. The nurses wrote nice things on the certificate so that was nice. Hope you are doing well. It's difficult to wait for my scan and not keep a little piece grounded just in case. Don't think that's lacking faith all will be ok just don't want to get too used to thinking all ok yet. So appreciated your post and thoughts these months.
    February 2015
  • Lynne-I-Am
    Hi,was thinking of you a few days ago , had not seen any recent postings from you. You were missed lady. Hope you are enjoying the unbelievable Spring weather.
    February 2015
  • kangaroomom
    you had the surgery i am having on the 3erd of next month i am scared to death
    January 2015
  • mzzbandit2u
    I was stage 3C if your like me your hair will grow back different than it was b4 i had thin fine hair and it was graying. I got thick curly hair without the gray lol. but it went away after it got too long and needed to be shaped up when i cut it the curls went away. :((!!
    You need to take things slow don't dive into your old life thinking that everything is over and that your well and life is normal. You have had a life changing event and you have made a wonderful change that few ppl have the opportunity to experience. You will never look at the world the same way or feel the same way about everyday activity. Chemo is hard on your body and has it's own side effect that will show up slowly as the next weeks or month go by. Be pateint with yourself and love the new you and every new experience.
    January 2015
  • mzzbandit2u
    Hello I didn't see your post till now not good at this site yet sorry I'd be happy to tell more of my story
    January 2015
  • IronMom45
    Just read your profile! Hurray!!!!! Wishing you a long and happy life!
    January 2015
  • Lynne-I-Am
    Loved your experience about real life Angels. Had heard about the FDA approval , have you been genetically tested? Wishing you and your a Merry Christmas and all the best in the New Year.
    December 2014
  • meyati
    Hi, I don't judge you. I am surprised that so many people do have their dogs and cats. The one source of infection that's not mentioned is how dogs-cats lick their rears and then give kisses. My hounds don't lick people or children at all, are smooth coated like a Doberman, don't get in the face like smallish dogs and cats- and my surgery on my face already healed up. I can never be around a cat for many reasons. I told my oncologists that I'm not a cat lover and hate litter boxes. You are wise following the advice of your team.
    October 2014
  • GregP_WN
    Just wanted to see if you knew that there are comments under your blog post/piece on the blog page. A lot of people don't know that you can comment there. Look here>>https://www.whatnext.com/blog/posts/ovarian-cancer-just-a-bump-in-the-road?utm_source=MasterBrand_FB&utm_medium=Sept06_A&utm_content=Kalindria&utm_campaign=Childhood2014_Social
    September 2014
  • TonyB52LBCA
    I was just reading about your experiences and I was wondering...Why are you commenting on the prostate cancer questions?? you compared Lance Armstrong's testicular cancer and his riding in the Tour D'France with adenocarcinoma prostate cancer??? That's like comparing basal cell carcinoma (on the breast) with radical metastatic breast cancer...;.NOT the same thing!! Unless your cruising this site for dating, or whatever else, please stick to what you know and you personal experiences and leave the penises and prostates alone....Thank You...
    September 2014
  • Carool
    Kalindria, I like your new profile photo (and hair)!
    August 2014
  • CindyOC
    Oh silly me forgot to answer some of your questions LOL. Well for me it has a been a tough year for me also. Of course having a rare type of one was difficult but having all of my lady organs taken out, leaving me and my wonderful man with inability to have a child is hurtful, but lets not forget the thrusting my young body into menopause and having really distinctive hot flashes for the next 10 or maybe 15 years to come and not have the ability to take estrogen ever to help with those type of symptoms.
    There is so much to cry about and be mad about too, but I guess all that has to stop because I am as of now in remission and have been given the chance to live longer and live harder this time around. It seems my life has been affected by Cancer, but I truly am very thankful to still be here and I wonder why God spared me. But I guess in the end none of that is important as it is to live this time Happy for what you have and not be depressed for any shortcomings. Life is more beautiful today then it was a year ago and I have no one to thank but Cancer for that because I believe that we all get so caught up in responsibility and survival that we forget to really LIVE! So, regardless of how much I lost when I take my morning jogs I feel completely thankful and blessed to see another day. So my year has been tough and still continues to have its challenges but I am so glad that chemo is done and that I am on the road to recovery, oh and on the road to growing hair! :)
    August 2014