

  • Bug
    Hi, ld_105. I haven't seen a post from you for a long time and just wanted to check in and say Hi. I hope you're doing okay.
    November 2018
  • banditwalker
    I'm writing to say I hope you are not in the path of this storm coming to the northeast. Wish you well.
    January 2015
  • Asanayogini
    Thx I feel I'm gonna need it
    August 2014
  • rocki102007
    Thanks for your input. Stay well.
    June 2014
  • QueenB
    Hi! I had fat transfer last week and I'm not happy with my results so far. How are you coping with that?
    April 2014
  • flamingogirl
    Just thought I would pop in and say HI!! :) Hope things are well with you.
    May 2014
  • pattiep
    RE: the sore implant - Another doctor mentioned putting in fat where it caved in and I was too afraid to ask where the fat was coming from or what it would entail
    April 2014
  • HopefulJourney
    thank you im a surthrivor :)
    February 2014
  • FreeBird
    I noticed your comment about control of the prescription pain medication. When my dad was under the care of the cancer center and in pain from pancreatic cancer, they prescribed morphine. I had to drive around all day--hours and hours--- looking for a pharmacy that had it in stock because of tight controls on the inventory in Florida. Then I'd find somewhere that had the wrong dosage. So I said please hold onto that until I get back, and drove all the way back to the cancer center (they don't allow phone ins) to get a new prescription for that dosage. I tried calling around by telephone to see if anyone had the medication, but the answer was always that they could not give out that information on the phone--- I'd have to come in. It was brutal. We finally found a small pharmacy way over in the next county that had it in stock. They filled the prescription a couple times, then said they couldn't continue to fill the prescription unless I transferred all of dad's prescriptions over to that pharmacy. That was the last of that. When he ended up in Hospice, it was a completely different story. They delivered medication right to the front door.
    January 2014
  • Lia
    the patient segment has closed but the loved one segment is still open. Here is a link for your loved one or partner to participate.


    Copy the entire link into the internet browser from H through to 5.
    January 2014
  • geekling
    Meow .. that was a great thing you did by simply posting the CBS story on breast cancer. I distrust an actress who pretends for her money(acting is pretending) when she says that a $4,000 test caused her to have her very healthy breasts removed .. amongst the things to consider are her seven figure insurance policy on them, a flagging acting career (by Hollywood standards), and a seven figure payday as spokesperson for charity. I know she gets concierge medical care but pictures of her sans any bra seem to belie her words .. she is payed to pretend and she is Oscar worthy. a commercial is a commercial is a commercial, yes? Happy New Year with best wishes for recovered good health.
    January 2014
  • KLC
    Looks like you've been run through the mill here. . .I see multiple experiences for you with BC. Thanks for your input and all the best to you : )
    December 2013
  • Teachergirl
    Hi, thanks for checking on me! I'm doing pretty well. Half way through radiation and feeling like a dishrag at the end of the day but I guess it's all relevant. How are you doing? I hope all is well! Happy Thanksgiving!
    November 2013
  • Mkeltz
    Thank you for the information. You would not believe what I was thinking.
    November 2013
  • Billiejean
    Thanks for responding to my question bout financial help I called ACS since they don't accept Medicade they can't help. As I ride my own Harley Davidson and I know if it was warm weather I could put a run together and get help there but as u know with cancer we r up against the clock can't Waite need help now. The news good idea I will give it a shot.
    November 2013
  • Joy1976
    Are you from Idaho?
    November 2013
  • MelindaLV
    You can always have the oncologist do a Oncotype Dx / Genoma testing. This test is suppose give you and your oncologist the ability to see if chemo would benefit you. You can go on http://www.oncotypedx.com, it will give you more information regarding the test and how it works. Hang in there. I wish you the best.
    November 2013
  • banditwalker
    Hi Id_105, I thought I would talk with you here about the oncotype test instead of on eim's page. I was just reading about the test and from what I can gather it is recommended for patients that have Invasive Ductal Carcinoma in situ or DCIS, and you also have to be node negative. Was this your case? I was node positive and it was not in situ. I am just trying to clear this up in my own mind. I get awfully confused lately. I am now blaming it on "chemo brain" even tho' I was confused before, :)
    November 2013
  • syl1963
    Hi how are you?
    We spoke before.
    I had blood clot in my lung last week pulmonary embolism.
    I don't know if you remember me.
    I need to find friends with breast cancer and survivors in Baltimore / MD.
    I don't drive, need support and meet people.
    Just diagnosed in one month and have no focus to go on line and search anything.
    My husband and my 2 sons are not helping at all. The take me to appointment as needed and that's it.
    I feel very lonely.
    You may can help me because I'm not familiar with this site and I don't have any focus to go search anything.
    Thanks. God bless you.
    November 2013
  • cassie_1076
    yes it is a lot to consider
    October 2013
  • cassie_1076
    my surgery was in toledo oh , and my MRI is in Toledo ,oh
    October 2013
  • hmd1
    Yes we do. Here is the list of vitamins I am taking for estrogen dominance Calcium D-Glucarate, Diindolymethane (DIM), The B Vitamins, such as B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B12 and folate, Vitamin E; 400 IU in the morning and 400 IU at bedtime, Calcium – Magnesium Combo two parts calcium (1500 mg) to one part magnesium (750 mg).
    100 mg of 7-Keto DHEA per day; one capsule every morning. Chitosan three times a day with meals taking 750 mg to 1 gm.
    October 2013
  • jluw
    thanks for your response to my question about having a mastectomy to avoid adjuvant therapies. it was so helpful! when you're trying to decide these things you suddenly feel so stupid & may think illogically. mastectomy if you are able to avoid it is probably not the right way to go. your input really helped me clarify what is the best course for me. again, thank you.
    October 2013
  • hmd1
    Hi, I am doing fine thank you. How are you doing? I am still learning how to navigate this site that I thought I posted my comment on your wall but actually I posted it on mine by error. :)
    I decided not to take Femara because I have a lot of bone loss in my jaw already and I spoke to my drs nurse and she said she understood my concern and made an appointment for me to see my dr. He probably wants to put me on something else but I refuse. Chemo already did a number on my eyes, ears and feet. I don't want anymore chemicals in my body and decided to take
    vitamins for estrogen dominance.
    October 2013
  • banditwalker
    How is the Anastrozole treating you? I see it interferes with some peoples sleep. Does it cause any pain? Well, just wondering how you were. Hope all is well and spirits high!
    October 2013
  • hmd1
    Yes, I could, however, I am finally feeling good and I am afraid this might make me feel miserable. I have had the Rx for 2 weeks now and still debating. I guess I should stop reading all the negative reviews, however, the negative reviews outweigh the positive. By next Friday I will make up my mind.
    September 2013
  • hmd1
    I am still procrastinating whether or not to take Femara. However, I will keep you posted.
    September 2013
  • hmd1
    Thank you.
    September 2013
  • avonlea02
    Loved your answer to Greg's question about modesty! Just wanted to say that to you!! Hope all is well! - Linda
    September 2013
  • geekling
    Congratulations on quitting soda. It is a major accomplishment. Try not to get re "hooked" on anything, even tea. Chamomile is a wonderful tea. You can grow it, you know. :-) It looks kinda like teeny daisies in a pot on a window sill. Quite cheery.

    For the mornings, think about trying lemongrass tea with a few slivers of fresh ginger and, maybe, some nice lemon balm tea during lunch time.

    Best healthy wishes.
    September 2013