

  • IronMom45
    Hi read your answer about the diarhea post radiation. Do you take a probiotic? And not go get too personal but they ever do a culture on the diarhea just to rule out isn't the radiation? Hope each day finds you better.
    February 2015
  • silvern8v
    Thank you...I know I am grateful for the opportunity to be treated and that my odds are very good. I am just struggling to stay strong EVERY day. You are a stage IV and still here after a year...encourages me. Praying for us all!
    January 2015
  • Judt1940
    Happy New Year to you two. Wishing you good news on your scan. Think of you often. Judy
    December 2014
  • LiveWithCancer
    Thank you posting the list of questions that your granddaughter sent to you. I think i would like to start a book for my son using those questions. They are wonderful and i love that your granddaughter took the time to think of them and had the courage and love to send them to you. Thanks so much for sharing!
    December 2014
  • Judt1940
    Judy, have they given you a list of food not to eat? I had radiation for colo/rectal Cancer years ago. Remember eating cornbread one night and it tore me up.
    November 2014
  • Judt1940
    How are you holding up with radiation and travel?
    November 2014
  • timetoshare
    hello judyinflorida;
    I am so happy you are done with the radiation. How long did it take to get the treatment each day? Five days a week. Oh boy, and to have stomach issues also. You are a strong person.
    I have a feeling my sister will have do this. She's having problems just after 3 months of finishing chemo. I am thinking of you and hope you will get good news in one month.
    December 2014
  • CatMar505
    I was diagnosed Stage I after I went in for a "routine" hysterectomy in Oct. Pathology report came back showing cancer. Then had a second surgery 4 weeks later to remove ovaries and tubes with lymph node sampling. 1 lymph node had been "partially replaced" by cancer cells. So, I was diagnosed Stage IIIc2 in November. I begin treatment on 1/3/14 - 3 rounds of chemo, then radiation, followed by 3 rounds of chemo.
    December 2013
  • Judt1940
    Haven't forgot about the two of you. So sorry you are having to deal with this. Judy
    October 2014
  • Ps8285
    I had a two hour round trip for radiation also. 31 total rounds. I had not had chemo first like you have. I also continued working through it BUT I will say that some days I was totally exhausted while driving and some days ok. Looking back I should have taken time off of work and/or possibly gotten a place nearby the cancer center. The drive was grueling in the Florida summer heat and I had not had chemo like you. Take care of yourself. Has your doc mentioned brachytherapy? That was part of my rad. treatment for vaginal cuff.
    October 2014
  • Judt1940
    Just wondering how you and husband are doing.
    September 2014
  • Judt1940
    What does Dr. say about radiation? You are stage 4 but did not have radiation the first time? I'm Stage 2 my Dr. said could do more harm than good. Have to go with him, sure he sees more than I. Maybe saving in case of return. Even 4 months out finger tips numb, feet still really bad, if stay busy for couple days I pay a price.
    May 2014
  • timetoshare
    Hello JudyinFlorida;
    I am happy to find you as a member of this site as I am helping my sister who has stage iv endometrial. I hope that your next appointment shows good results. I am sorry that you have to deal with so much and also have to care for your husband. My sister does not have a husband, or in house caregiver so I am trying to help her as much as possible. I have some questions and if you or anyone else can help it would be appreciated. I know you do not feel well at times so I fully understand if you don't feel up to it. My sister is starting a trial. I was wondering if you were offered a trial.
    Also, after 1st or second chemo treatment were you able to eat and how much water did you consume if any? Does the water help you feel better? I know I can ask her doctor but sometimes just want to ask people who are actually dealing with this. Thank you again.
    May 2014
  • Judt1940
    I found last 2 chemos rough, seemed took longer to feel better, very hard. See Dr. in late May. The neuropathy is bad, feet and finger tips. Pooper scooped yard (3 dogs) had nice dry day. When first started I thought had lost every muscle in my body but it became easier. No eyelashes, hair growing a little. In any of the treatments are you getting steroids? They kept me awake, would be in kitchen at 2AM drinking a coke. How is your Husband doing? And how are you as "caregiver"? Looked after my husband for 8. Yrs. I do wonder how I would have managed with this, he had strokes, in motorized wheelchair. So glad you re finishing but remember because you know it's the last one, your body doesn't. DONT OverDo. Please stay in touch. Judy
    April 2014
  • lin1321
    My diagnosis was adenocarcinoma for the tumor but with elements of uterine carcinosarcoma. Sentinel lymph nodes tested positive so stage IIIC. Started treatment in end of January. Had 2 bracytherapy and one more this week. Also they are doing chemo carboplation and paclitaxel every 3wks for a total of 6 treatments. Had first jan 31st and going for 2nd this Friday. Just found this forum and already is very useful.
    February 2014
  • Judt1940
    That's wonderful. Boy, you've come so far from when you first posted. It's just great. LOL. Judy
    February 2014
  • barryboomer
    Hey Judy....Just a Hi From Sebring, Florida.
    Check out my Profile for some Nutritional Ideas.
    We are part of the team and MUST do our part to make us Healthy.
    Good Luck!
    February 2014
  • wasatrucker
    I think a lot depends on which chemo drugs you are taking. One thing I DID learn from some people on the ACOR site was if you do get a Neulasta shot, take some Claritin D (or the generic)...it helps with the bone pain that results from Neulasta. My biggest thing was fatigue. I have neuropothy in my toes and my big toenails fell off. That's attractive! Be vigilant about preventing constipation...Miralax is good(store brands work too).
    January 2014
  • Judt1940
    Round 5 and 6 of chemo seemed particularly hard. I take a lite morphine and have oxycodone for "breakthrough" pain. Without help I couldn't do this. Have spinal stenosis so went into this with bone problems.
    February 2014
  • mrsrobertjo
    Several people I know take Claritin D to help with the pain. I start it the night before my chemo and continue for about 4-5 days. I figured it couldn't hurt and it could help. It does help me.
    January 2014
  • virg112012
    What is your cancer cell type? It makes a lot of difference. God be with you.
    January 2014
  • Judt1940
    You are not posting much. Hope doing well. Had last chemo yesterday so today good except have to get Neulasta shot --no big deal today but it is miserably cold. Let us hear from you.
    January 2014
  • Judt1940
    Hi, had chemo on Tuesday . Bad day.
    January 2014
  • Apopsal
    Hi Judyin florida - I am a 69 year old female who was diagnosed four years ago with stage IV endometrial cancer - and while I have had a recurrence every year, I am still doing okay and working full time. I have constantly meditated and told my cancer that I am in charge and not ready to go! Recently I was receiving carboplatin for the fourth round and had an allergic reaction, so no more carboplatin! I know that there are wonderful new treatments waiting for us. Stay strong and concentrate on living!
    December 2013
  • Judt1940
    Want to know how you feel. Did you get Neulasta shot? I always started aching 48 hours after chemo. No nausea body and bone aches. Oncologist cut chemo after 1st treatment after bringing white count down to "0". My Internist is in charge of pain meds. Ask for help. Weigh dropped below 100 lbs, couldn't eat, drink, diarrhea, BP dropped, pasted out. It gets much better once you figure it out and your Doctor does also. Be sure to take your meds as directed. I'm praying you are doing well with this. Just wanted you to know you are not alone. Judy
    January 2014
  • Joachima
    Thank you for following me, and welcome to WhatNext. This is a great place to ask questions and receive support and encouragement - I know I have along the way. God bless you along your journey.
    December 2013
  • HOBO
    Welcome Judy,

    You will find.lots of wonderful people on this site. We will walk this journey with you. You are not alone. You can do this.just remember everyone is different. Chemo was very hard for me but radiation was doable. Your body will let you know when to push and when to rest. Please keep your care team involved about any side effects. Treatment is short term. There is an end.

    Wishing you the best.

    December 2013
  • JewelF

    I was diagnosed this past summer. I live in South Florida and am almost done with 6 cycles of chemo. I feel good most of the time. I have not and will not accept stage 4 as a death sentence. depending on where you are in florida, let's try to grab lunch or something!
    December 2013
  • ld_105
    Welcome to the site.
    December 2013
  • DaveWaz

    Welcome to the WhatNext family! The WhatNext family is made up of people like you who are looking for help or looking to help others. To help you along your journey the WhatNext family has put together a Beginner's Guide to Cancer that I highly recommend you check-out here: http://bit.ly/10BQKCi. Also, please do not hesitate to reach out to others or ask for help.

    Wishing you the best.

    Founder, WhatNexter
    December 2013