

  • tampa83
    I am also in Tampa.
    March 2015
  • cam32505
    Hi, I live in Mich and I'm treated at UofM. My original doctor offered me a referral to UofM, Beaumont, and Karmanos. He didn't seem real keen on Beaumont (he was a Beaumont doctor). So, that narrowed it down to 2 choices. I figured nobody would want to drive me downtown to Detroit, so I picked UofM. I wonder how you like your treatment at Karmanos.
    October 2013
  • rmh
    Hi mrsrobertjo - may i ask a question? how did you find out about your cancer? what were your symptoms? I am not sure what stage 3 means if you wouldn't mind explaining I would appreciate it - I am concerned about my two older sisters who reached menopause but they on occasion tell me they bleed.
    May 2013
  • rmh
    hello, how are you feelling?
    June 2013
  • WendyLew
    I wanted to share my story with you, may you be blessed...
    August 2013
  • Maxine
    Sounds like your journey has been a rough one. I was diagnosed with endometrial cancver last January, t6hen rediaqgnosed with breast cancer (not related) last February. I went through chemo, which ended in July, then both internal and external radiation. I finished up the internal radiation last week. I feel pretty good, am working, but am very tired. I am working (as a teacher) but I just push and push myself. It hasn't been easy! If you need someone to talk to, I am here!
    November 2012
  • carm
    I am an oncology/end of life nurse that specializes in gyne cancers. Welcome to the "What Next" family. If you should have any questions or concerns that you feel I might be able to help you with, please do not hesitate to ask. There are many excellent people here always willing to help in any way with the latest information or experiences to share. You are among friends….there are no strangers here. I hope you find all the information and support you seek, Carm RN.
    August 2013
  • Joachima
    Hi mrssrobertjo ... looks like we share a similar diagnosis. I have been out of active treatment for a year now. God bless you along your journey.If you have any questions just let me know, and I will be glad to help if I can.
    August 2013
  • Joachima
    Welcome ! Looks like we have a similar diagnosis. My chemotherapy ended in April 2012, and my last radiation treatment was July 2012. If there are any questions, please ask. Although I haven't been here long, being a part of this group has been a blessing for me. Hope it is for you as well.
    November 2012
  • ticklingcancer
    Hello mrsrobertjo, Welcome to WhatNext!!

    We're glad to have you on board. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask. If you would like an answer from a member of the WhatNext community, please click the questions tab at the top of the page and post your question there. If you feel you can help someone who has posted their own question, please feel free to provide an answer.

    I think you'll find the community very helpful. Again, Welcome!!
    November 2012
  • DaveWaz

    Welcome. Thank you for registering. Here are a few tips to get you started:

    1) Find other people like you. You can do this by clicking on "see more" in the "People Most Like You" box to the right.

    2) Go to our Questions page to see what's been posted, ask a question or give some advice. Here is a link to our most popular questions:

    3) Complete your journey profile to share your experience. You can do this by clicking on "Add Experience" in the box next to your picture above.

    4) Don't forget to upload a picture!

    Thank you for being here and sharing your story. If you have any questions, please check out our FAQ or contact us.

    Team WhatNext
    November 2012