

  • Lisa1964
    Barry, I started following you, as you know, but then you disappeared from my "follow" list. I jsut put you back.
    February 2015
  • meyati
    Will this be a dead link---In gastro-intestology and some AMA oncology articles, aspartame-the sugar made from apple peels is also linked to cancer and other problems. Hey, cookies can be made with aspartame, and they taste pretty good. My son's girlfriend is diabetic, so he made some recipes for her with aspartame.-cakes too. You can go to a bakery and ger sugar free goodies.

    Research---it depends on the field of interest on how it's conducted, and what results they are looking for. They will ignore what doesn't fit their paradigm.
    June 2015
  • ivyJ
    Hi, the weather in NYC is so humid and hot that I haven't been on the computer much. I wanted to tell you that I take 1800mg of Graviola (also called soursop) each morning and evening. Each new tumor has stopped growing and my cancer has stopped advancing since last July. I am on a chemo break, by my request, because I just couldn't take another week of it. I was on chemo for over a year and a half. I'm feeling great after 5 weeks of no chemo. I still have cancer in my digestive system, 4th stage, and it's hard to believe how well I'm doing. I continue to have a praise service in my bedroom each morning. That helps me also. I hope you doing well (as can be expected) and enjoying life to the fullest. Blessings to you.
    June 2015
  • ivyJ
    Please try graviola. You can purchase it from Amazon. I buy one 1300 mg of pure graviola $22 and one 500mg $11. I believe it will help. At lease, try it. My girlfriend's husband is a politician. She lived in Peru for ten years where they use graviola for grave ills. When she heard that I had cancer she advised me to take it. I was taking 500mg when I had a new tumor. I increased my intake to 1800mg and the tumor stopped growing. In May the PET found a mass in my colon....the mass was not there when I had a colonoscopy. Research Graviola and Cancer online. Purdue University has applied for a patent on the medicinal properties of this plant. It has cured tumors in dogs.
    Try it, it can't hurt. You'll need, at least, the 1300mg capsules.
    June 2015
    Thanks B! Well, I am reading as fast as I can and doing an OTC Immune booster and 3oz of Essiac Tea qAM on empty stomach - starting this tomorrow AM. By the by - me too- 70yrs on 5/15/15. Yah, what a gift I got, huh? Well, I am with you- MAYBE if I was 30yrs I would consider the tx plan proposed by CITYofHOPE in Calif. As a RN - I knew I could not tolerate the chem/radiation plan and so, alternative tx is my plan for now and con't to research other potential options. Talk w/ you soon...........have a great day! Where do you live?
    June 2015
  • ivyJ
    On my recent PET-CT they discovered a new mass in my colon. I was ordered to get a colonoscopy. I was upset. I prayed with a miracle preacher over my distress. I never did this before but I was desperate. When I had my colonoscopy two weeks later, there was no mass in my colon. The colon was clear. I still have cancer in my digestive system but it has not advanced since last July. I praise God every day for keeping me as well as I am.
    May 2015
  • Dolphingirl
    Hi barryboomer, I am in Bradenton Flroida. Hello!
    May 2015
  • Yvette0516
    Barry disregard this message. You were commenting to another. Sorry. Yvette
    May 2015
  • Yvette0516
    Barry, call American Cancer Society at 941-365-2858. They should be able to tell you where/when their support groups meet in your area. Hope this helps. Yvette
    May 2015
  • meyati
    Hey barry, thanks for pointing out secondary cancers caused by radiation treatment and scans. As you can tell, I'm wondering if there's a disparity. She needs to contact her oncologists and have him/her tell her if there's a disparity or an anomaly in the scans or in the readings. Communicating with all involved is cheaper and less invasive than more images for a second opinion. Sometimes I think second opinions were set up to help get more money.
    May 2015
  • ivyJ
    Hi, I like writing 'old school" poetry. I like the lilt of the rhyme. I've included this in my newly copy written book with intent to publish soon. I am still considered terminal and wrote this while on chemo last month. By Ivory Jackson, copyright 2015
    From the book “Tell Me My Name.”

    OdeTo Death

    You have shadowed my life from beginning to end
    You enjoy my fear with your cold chilling grin.
    That fake stance of yours it’s because you’re are loathed
    When showing your power wearing dark dreary clothes
    You just need a friend as all creatures do.
    So please take a sip of my kindness, please do.
    I will no longer let you torture my mind
    I’ll look upon you as someone who’s kind
    I will make you my friend, death, and with you I’ll stand.
    I will smile when you call me, then reach for your hand.
    With a nod and a smile I will pass by your gate
    No fear, no disgust, not one sense of hate
    Marching to glory... as we all must do.
    God’s glory seems brighter since I made friends with you.
    April 2015
  • happydyad
    Hi, Barryboomer! Just wanted you to know I admire your commitment to your health and I have enjoyed several of your songs on You Tube. Thanks for posting those. I really enjoyed, "the rules for love never change" and. "I'm dropping out ". Keep up the good work! Judy in Ky : )
    April 2015
  • Stillwater
    Yes, "barryboomer" husband is having chemo and radiation at the same time. However, we are on a two week hiatus from the chemo right now. Not sure if I posted this comment the correct way. New to site and having problems navigating.
    March 2015
  • ghorselady
    just visiting again. thanks so much for staying with us on this site. I am weighing my options re treatment and your comments give me more "food" for thought.
    March 2015
  • meyati
    Hi Barry, you sound in fine form. I guess we're a pair of old dopers. I found my new directive, and I don't like the options. It's all about inclusion and people. My daughter went nuts and I don't want her around. It seems that we should be able to say-NO-No. She went to her Dr. 2 miles down the road-no turn offs. After seeing the doctor, she went the wrong way and drove miles to a freeway. She drove over a 100 miles to Houston. She finally called the family. It took 5 hours to find her after the group of cars and trucks got to Houston. My grandson's car was totaled from her driving on and off sidewalks. The insurance said that my grandson tried to do insurance fraud. It finally came out that if she was left with her father, that she tormented him, his surgery sites. They had to put him in a hospice building to physically protect him.
    March 2015
  • meyati
    Barry, now that I've been told about my daughter, I can only be extremely grateful that the hospice building protected my husband. He wanted to be at home, and had a hospice nurse visit him. They got hold of the hospice nurse, and she got him into a safe place in less than 2 hours. Our daughter moved in with him several years ago, so they couldn't kick her off the property. Then my poor X worried about her.

    I hope that most families don't need hospice to act like security to protect their patients, but with the emotions involved- I can see why some become unhinged. My family has a very positive opinion about home hospice, and a brick and mortar hospice, because both types helped my X and them so very much.
    March 2015
  • TXHills
    Sounds like you are enjoying your songwriting adventures. During my year or so of treatment, but especially during chemo, I refused to let fearful thoughts or worries about the future get a grip in my brain. I stayed in the moment and called it "The Bubble of Now". I floated along in it rather serenely for quite a while. It's still there, if I dare to call on it.
    March 2015
  • meyati
    "Avoiding Surgery in Locally Advanced Rectal Cancer" this is the title of the article
    March 2015
  • IronMom45
    Barry your ever see the movie "about time"? Their is a guy singing on there sounds like you. It's a British romance comedy science fiction mix. My son wanted us to watch it. Had some sad moments but over all ok. It's at the end of the movie the guy singing. Sorry can't identify who it is that is singing. I'm really bad about that in movies. Hope you are well.
    March 2015
  • ivyJ
    Thanks for my laugh of the morning. I was feeling a little down but after seeing that clip with Harvey Korman and Tim Conway I had a good giggle. I faithfully watched the Carol Burnett show and consider it one of the best programs of the past. Don't you just love the way Harvey Korman tries not to laugh. What a great team. Thanks again, Barry.
    March 2015
  • jewels4julie
    I'm sorry if I offended you by saying that I went to CTCA. I am very blessed to be able to go there for my treatments. All I wanted to do was offer a suggestion that a naturopath may be able to suggest supplements to help patients that do not want to self-diagnose or do a lot of internet research themselves. Of course anyone can purchase the supplements in a health food store, but then again, you have to be very careful about what else is in the supplements along with the vitamins and minerals you want. Supplements are not regulated by the FDA. Please forgive me if I have offended you in any way. I was stating my opinion and what worked for me -- not trying to start a debate of any sort. I will pray that you recover fully.

    March 2015
  • jl4husker
    FYI--I sent some of the info you sent me to my hubby so he will read through it
    March 2015
  • jl4husker
    Hi--I'm sorry it's taken me so long to respond to your suggestions, I meant to answer earlier but it's been pretty hectic. I really appreciate all the info and I, too used to be a nurse ( pretty rusty though) so I completely get where you're coming from. He's had 3 chemo treatments with the Fulfox and then the 5-fluorourasil infusion via pump over 46 hours and I'm seeing some mild improvement now although the pain, neuropathy and nausea are still big issues. I shared with him what you said about WhatNext and the recommendations about both sharing plus answering questions and he's in agreement. He's been trying to get caught up on medical records and wrapping up employment obligations plus filing for disability and facing the reality of probable retirement because of his diagnosis. That doesn't mean we're giving up, just facing the reality of everything as I'm sure you can understand. I just wanted to say THANK YOU and I appreciate all the information. I'm sure you'll see us around here soon. God bless you and I hope you're doing well?
    March 2015
  • meyati
    Oh, I thought that I was just fine, and all I needed was pill-pill
    I decided to go to the doc. He looked up my nose and hose.
    You need a biopsy, this is severe, Sir , you are ill-ill
    I trotted over to check my insurance, and they checked those

    Oh, the Wallet biopsy Blues, Will it be negative or positive?
    I thought i was fine, but do I need a GOLd Mine?
    Oh the wallet biopsy blues, (then cry barry)

    your wallet is positive, and you need more than a pill-pill
    You have cancer up your hose, polyps up your nose
    We'll cure you, love you, you we won't kill-kill
    you have more problems, and we''ll care for those

    then the wallet biopsy blues again
    March 2015
  • meyati
    Hi, you said it perfectly---- Why anybody gets their panties in a wad because someone uses a term, I don't know.

    In one med journal, some doctor claimed that Eisenhower also commented on the political power of the big pharmacy companies. The doctor cited it, but I didn't look it up, so I won't use it.

    I've seen papers where they make up a citation, and the reference doesn't even exist. They don't expect anybody to look it up-and everything isn't on electronic history to look up. Then sometimes it can be found by Yahoo-or the electronic search records of an university, and the person completely misread it, trying to make the facts support their thesis.

    I wrote a paper about Bhopal and DOW in India, and the texas refinery fire in the Houston area that killed so many people- and burned for almost week. There wasn't anything online about those. We were writing ethic papers about industry being able to police itself. My prof had a fit, called me names. I went over to the library- checked out the books of these horrible incidents and plopped them down in front of him. I gave him a lecture that the Internet coded only what interested them, and we needed to question what we read or accept as fact. My grade was changed.
    March 2015
  • meyati
    Barry, sweet heart, the one that makes me laugh with joy, the question is if anybody here has been on the Paleo diet, and, if so, how long. And sort of what foods make up this diet. They asked this, because their Dr. recommended it. I answered that I've been on it for years, and I'm doing well. I don't expect to live forever, and the word 'incurable' is on the biopsies and records for a reason. If I don't get run over or my plane to Japan doesn't drop out of the sky, and this comes back, I'll go into palliative care. I'm 73. I'm bored with this life. I always thought that a horse would roll over me, get shot or something.

    Normally when people on Whatnext talk and you and geekling talk about the value of a plant based diet, I don't argue with you. You are knowledgeable, kind, and very smart. I think that you know more than many diettians. I really do.

    I save arguing about the value of that for MedPage Today, Disquis, Anesthesiology or whatever they call it, even the Gastroententest, and Yahoo blogs, and KevMD. MedPage Gastr, Anesthesiology, and Kev are part of the AMA electronic news' system to disseminate research studies, abstracts, Kev is more opinions. There I speak up, argue with different specialties, whatever. There are specialists that think that I give good citations from research or personal narrative that can't be cited.

    I also do this in person. I'd love to spend time with you and talk about things other than diet. I know that your diet is perfect for women that have estrogen fed cancers-some breast cancers, ovarian and uterine cancers, and those with excessive weight from steroids.

    Barry, I will die, but I don't see any reason to starve to death, when my Doctors have a diet that will keep me feeling pretty good until it's my time. Don't stop sharing your wisdom, as you help so many people. I just gave my opinion that a high protein diet can work, and it worked for me. If the person has trouble with the Paleo diet, they and their doctors will make adjustments.

    Barry- the man might not even like eggs or beef.
    March 2015
  • cllinda
    I saw that you wish this whole journey could be over. I actually wish the same, but I wish that it never happened in the first place!
    March 2015
  • meyati
    Hi, how are you doing? I was a bad girl--I blew up yesterday at a 'cancer support". The clinic wanted me to go, so I went. It was a disaster. It was facilitated by OTs, PTs, Yoga instructors, and dietitians. It really is to get clients to go to a new Physical therapy and closely monitor the patients.

    My oncologists told me not to swim, because the nose/mouth radiation messed up my menges and it's not an effective disease barrier. One person that pees in a pool and i could get Hep C or HIV in the brain. While I don't care if I die, I don't care if my plane is diverted to Malaysia, I'm not suicidal and into further suffering. So they told me about a woman, whose Onc told her not to use her swelled up arm after the lymph glands were stripped out. She went there for something else, and they got her arm whipped into shape. I nodded politely. But my Irish was rising. This is two different things.

    Then they got mad at me when I told them that I have such great frustration because if i walk my hounds around the block several days in a row, my Achilles tendons go out, and I can't hardly hobble. (Hint: Do they have something to help Achilles tendons?)

    I told about how I can do things for a day or 4, and then fatigue hits me so hard that I won't drive, and i just about fall asleep while standing up. I'll sleep That and the Achilles is from the statin. I was told to keep moving, Vacuum. Barry i told them that I do vacuum, brush my dogs' teeth, scour sinks, and only brushing the dogs' teeth was fun.

    I'm glad that you have your music, and I enjoy it so much. I don't make comments on YouTube, because I don't like signing in. I'm such a wuss.

    love meyati

    February 2015
  • IronMom45
    Watched ur weatherman video. Funny. I think we all have PTSD in a way. And It will take time to find my new normal. Thanks for the support. Be well and hope you have a great day.
    February 2015
  • IronMom45
    Barry sorry to hear of your experience and I agree losing ones mother is a horrible event at any age. Some one close to me just passed of cancer leaving a 4 year old daughter and it breaks my heart. But that being said you went on to being a nurse live your life and take her influence with you I'm sure as your post are tempered with genuine concern. I understand as you state you have as you say "your ranting post" but I believe you just want best for all. God bless you Barry and know I think of you often.
    February 2015