

  • Deidre
    You look awesome!
    February 2013
  • KimG
    Hey don't forget to let me know what goes on with the bone marrow and platelets, Just keep me posted ok?? kimg09 I sure hope you don't have to go through that though SueRae.
    February 2013
  • KimG
    I start Mon., Feb. 18th. I had to print out a bunch of paperwork from my computer and fill it out and I have to go for my drug test-if the place is open Monday, if not Tues. for sure-they only give you a couple days. So I'm filling out paperwork tonight and then fax it in the morning. Only 1 more week and then I have to be up at the crack before dawn because I start at 6:30am. It's about 1/2 to 45 minutes away. Not too bad. It's CVS/Caremark distribution center and is only supposed to get bigger because they plan to close a couple other ones and do all the work from ours. Maybe I should practice getting up at 5am. huh!? Thats when my son gets up anyway so he'll have some company for a little while. I liked the picture of you all with your grandma for her birthday. Keep me posted on your condition ok?? Are you working or do you work for a place when you are feeling well enough? You know in your member box it says you are 60- you sure don't look it. I used to think 50's and 60's was old but now that I'm there it doesn't seem like it. Take care woman and we'll talk again. I'll write you an email after I start and let you know how it's going. How are you feeling? Have you retired yet? I hope to be at 65 so I have alot of saving to do. I do have a pension as does my husband. I will have a 401k too. Your friend, Kimg09
    February 2013
  • KimG
    Hey SueRae what's going on with the weather by you. It sounds like it's pretty severe. We had the most snow we've had all winter and it's that kind that sticks to the trees and it was so so beautiful.
    February 2013
  • pulley
    Thank you SueRae 1 That was very comforting to know that you had gone that long. I am to get Rad. soon. Not that I am looking forward to it...just want to get it over with. Thank you again..God bless.
    February 2013
  • KimG
    Hi SueRae, boy that news about your scans is fantastic! I am so happy for you. YAAYY! It sure is celebration time. ((((HUG))))kimg09
    February 2013
  • pulley
    Sue, Hi,
    Thanks for all your postings. I start rad. in a few days and was wondering what I could get for my skin all over. Since I moved to Texas my skin has taken a toll. Where can you buy that Emu cream? Thanks for the tip I hope i can find some.
    February 2013
  • KimG
    Thank you so much, girl! Now I have 2 interviews, 1 on Wed., and 1 on Thursday. I hope I get one of them. Thanks again for the thumbs up. I'll let you know when I know-kimg09
    February 2013
  • april485
    Hi SueRae - me from WW's. Thanks for the link. Will email you my phone number later today. Hugs and thanks for reaching out!
    January 2013
  • Ken58
    Hi SueRae,
    How are you? It makes me happy to hear that your cancers are responding to the treatment. I not as concerned as I was a few days ago. Thank you for your encouraging words
    January 2013
  • LMM
    I would love to have the second oncologist. I am praying to get him. My insurance has to approve him and the cancer center he is with. I am feeling like Denzel Washington in the movie John Q. I think that was the name of the movie.
    January 2013
  • LMM
    SueRae I read your post to Greg's question on how you were told. What your oncologists told you is what the second oncologist I went to see told me. I was so down hearted with what my own oncologist said. I just don't understand how two oncologist can have such opposite views.
    January 2013
  • KimG
    I really feel for you SueRae1. You have the right to feel that way. Try lots of prayer-do you have a regular church you go to? Try and watch only funny things on TV. We all know how you feel and I think most of us feel the same way. I know I do.. I do thank you so much for your input on my question about bankruptcy when applying for jobs. Sometimes I wish we all lived closer to each other so we could meet in person. Maybe someday we'll have a What Next convention! I'd like to give each and everyone of us a (((hug)))I will follow you so I can share with you what you are going through. Do you have a pet? How did you end up with Clear Cell, Kidney cancer after breast cancer?kimg09
    January 2013
  • maralyn
    i really liked your "imperfect" comment!!! it sure gives me alot to think about!!! thank you for sharing it+++
    January 2013
  • KimG
    Wow you never really get all the story-all that air was bad for a year? I'd blame 9/11 too. A catastrophe all the way around. Feel so bad for all involved. You've really had it rough but of course a trooper. No matter how bad you feel you can always write to us. I think the conference idea would be cool too!kimg09
    January 2013
  • KimG
    SueRae1, thanks for the like and thanks for sharing. I recognize those meds from when I worked in a specialty pharmacy. We did cancer, HIV, transplant,and RA meds.All my best-kimg09
    January 2013
  • LMM
    SueRae thank you for your healthy vibes and for listening. Have a good strong Friday.
    December 2012
  • KimG
    It's amazing to see how many of us are on here at the same time just waiting to help another!kimg09
    January 2013
  • kelley_gleason
    Thank you for your answer about the two drugs. I'm just trying to weigh the pros and cons. I've been through so much, and really want quality of life vs. quantity. Mouth sores sound horrible. How about nausea? Sounds like you have been through the ringer as well.
    January 2013
  • SpunkyS
    Please tell me more about your gold star charms.
    December 2012
  • haleezcomet
    Thank you for the response. I have been losing weight but, it is related to stress and having no appetite. I will make sure to discuss my T3 T4 levels @ my f/u apptmnt on Jan 2 w/ my Dr. The 125 mcg was working for awhile ; now it seems my body has built up a tolerance an it is not working like it did. Been forgetful an my long term memory is affected. It is frustrating.
    December 2012
  • Deb949
    Thanks for the advice, I hope your feeling better! My job is pretty much non stop misery, no joke. I have worked in the pharmacy for 17 years as a Technician. It's has progressively gotten worse over the years. The addition of drive thrus, cuts in labor means for 8 hours its go go go, non stop. No one eats, takes breaks etc. This environment does not promote health if anything it exposes you to more illness! So I just can't even fathom the thought of going back!
    December 2012
  • LuvinSis
    Sue, I thought of you when I saw this news release...I didn't know if these were meds you were aware of or may be a resource for you

    AVEO Pharma (AVEO), Astellas Pharma: FDA Accepts NDA Filing Of Cancer Drug Tivozanib
    November 28, 2012

    AVEO Pharmaceuticals Inc. and Astellas Pharma Inc. say the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has accepted of the New Drug Application (NDA) filing for tivozanib to treat advanced renal cell carcinoma.

    Tivozanib is an investigational medicine and is not currently approved in any country. According to the timelines established by the Prescription Drug User Fee Act (PDUFA), the review of the NDA is expected to be complete by July 28, 2013.

    The FDA's acceptance of the NDA triggers a $15 million milestone payment to AVEO under its development and commercialization agreement with Astellas.

    The proposed brand name for tivozanib is Tivopath, which is a trademark of AVEO Pharma. This name has received conditional acceptance from the FDA and the European Medicines Agency, but final approval by the FDA and EMA is pending. Tivozanib is an investigational compound. Its safety and efficacy have not yet been fully established.

    Advanced renal cell carcinoma (RCC), or kidney cancer, is the ninth most commonly diagnosed cancer in men and women in the U.S. Worldwide it is estimated that more than 250,000 people are diagnosed and more than 100,000 people die from the disease each year. RCC accounts for more than 90% of all kidney cancers.

    The NDA includes results of the global Phase 3 TIVO-1 (TIvozanib Versus SOrafenib in 1st line Advanced RCC) trial, a randomized superiority-designed pivotal trial evaluating the efficacy and safety of tivozanib compared to sorafenib, an approved targeted agent, in 517 patients with advanced RCC, as well as data from 16 additional AVEO-sponsored studies involving over 1,000 subjects who received tivozanib.

    Results of TIVO-1 were presented at the 2012 Annual Meeting of the American Society for Clinical Oncology (ASCO). Tivozanib is also under evaluation across a broad range of solid tumors, including metastatic colorectal cancer and metastatic breast cancer.

    November 2012
  • tomget
    Thanks for your Medicaire answer SueRae
    November 2012
  • dvdbriansr
    Hi again SueRae1: So sorry to see that your dear friend Danny lost his battle, I have no words of wisdom to make that any easier for you. Thanx for your response to my question. Have you ever seen the series "Walking Dead?" That pretty well sums up about how I've been feeling lately. Too tired to sleep, too tired to breathe, too tired to try to think, Even when I DO manage to get a couple hours of sleep usually in the daytime it most always ends with my big cat (Chewie) waking me cause I'm in the middle of some sort of weird "night terror" yelling out some type of obscenities at someone and/or kicking and fighting to beat the band, but, I still feel more like the "Walking Dead." That's not like me cause normally all I need is a couple of hours of sleep and I'd be good to go. So many changes in such a short period of time. I know change can be a good thin, sometimes; however, these recent changes have not been for my good. Don't get me wrong, I'm used to misery, I've lived at that address for the past 35+ years, but this, . . . at times, this is just a bit too much for my wee little brain to comprehend and I've always taken pride in being capable of dealing with what ever's thrown out there at me. Thank God for the people here like you who aren't afraid to "step up" and help out us newbies. Thank you.
    October 2012
  • dvdbriansr
    Hey There once again SueRae1: The last part of your statement is exactly what I was thinking since the nurses at the Chemo Center kept telling me that the worst, if any of the side effects usually occur within the first 3 to 5 days, and Monday will complete the 5 day margin. Since steroids seem to be the mainstay for fighting off nausea and since I'm extremely allergic to them, they have to try to work around that. Although I must say that the compazine and ativan did do a relatively good job of it at about 1:39 this morning. I'll take your "Good Luck" wish but, truthfully, I'm not so sure "luck" good or bad has that much to do with life in general. "IF" we were all lucky, there would be no need for places like this. On the other hand, we're all XXXX lucky to have a place like this to come too. Thanx Again for coming to my aid, I really do appreciate all who have taken to time to communicate with me. Coming here has been the easiest and best part of this lousy journey.

    October 2012
  • dvdbriansr
    SueRae, thanx for the good vibe and hugs, if ever I needed some this would be the right time. I have talked with my team and they all believe/ or tell me that it will be very difficult, but it "is doable" They don't know me from before I got sick, I weighed 161 lbs in my shorts and bare feet. I still had the "go-Go" blood of a 40 year old. Now, I weigh less then 114 lbs, and if I get up the nerve to fight off the pain to walk from my living room out to my driveway, my heart rate goes through the ceiling. I not yet come close to regaining what I had left of me since March of 2010 and I'm just getting ready to begin Chemo and Radiation this Thursday, four days out of the hospital from complications of a G-Tube for Christ sake. I don't know to be mad, sad, unready, scared half to death or just so numb that nothing really matters at this point.
    October 2012
  • teddyfuzz
    Hi Sue. I hope you feel better. Sending you hugs and positive thoughts from Califrnia:)
    October 2012
  • Ydnar2xer
    Hi SueRae1: Thanks for commiserating with me about the insomnia. I just read that about 1/2 of all cancer patients have trouble sleeping! I don't know exactly what my problem is, but I think that fewer steroids might help--especially since I gained 6 LBS. last week! Oh, cancer is soooo much fun! (I thought I would lose weight, but so far, only my hair and sense of sanity!)
    October 2012
  • Ydnar2xer
    Thanks for the compliment, SueRae1! I figured, if I could walk around looking like this, I can certainly walk around being bald! Now I just have to figure out how to change it up for my next chemo on Tuesday, LOL. Want to keep them all guessing about my sanity! Take care!
    September 2012