

  • meyati
    Hi, you have the best answer about the wedding
    March 2016
  • DaveWaz

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    Team WhatNext
    November 2012
  • geekling
    I read about your 6 1/2 week trial with radiation. I'm so sorry.

    I'm over 10 years down the road from 80 burn her days. and the effect on me was rather, um, unpleasant.

    The cancer I had presented in a different area.

    Best wishes
    October 2013
  • gogolf
    Are you still doing well on our new drug?
    September 2013
  • Lindy
    Risa, I am assuming you have HER2 +, TDM1 is considered the gorilla of weapons against HER2 +, Tykerb a superior micro sweeper. Discuss doubts with your oncologist, consider guided imagery/meditation.
    August 2013
  • Nonnie917-89591
    Hi Risa. I got your message, but didn't know how to respond to it. It would not give me the comment choice. I am glad you had a good doctor and gave your good implants. Mine are the silicone implants that look like balls in my chest. I am not happy with them, but I am not going to go through the surgery again to get better ones. I will just have to make do with these. The real test will come when it is time for me to buy bras. We'll see then what will fit and what won't. I decided against the nipple because of the research I have done on them. They could die and fall off, it takes pulling up a lot of skin to make them and eventually they will flatten out, stuff like that. No thanks, I have been through enough. I spent two hours tonight working on getting that sterile strip tape off the incisions. That stuff was pulling and it hurt. I figured I was almost 2 weeks out of surgery why not take it off so I did. I feel so much better. Much more comfortable and I think I will be able to sleep tonight. Tonight I am a happy camper. I'm sorry to hear you have to go through radiation again. Did the cancer come back or did they just not get it all? I hope all goes with you and you come out of this latest bout with flying colors. Good luck to you and be sure to keep me posted. Okay?
    July 2013
  • princess123
    I'm not sure what kind she had. I met her at a survivor's seminar.
    June 2013
    Hi Risa,

    I saw your recent comment on someone's question and wanted to check in with you. I thought I marked to follow you but I don't think I did it correctly. Were you able to determine anything about the rash on your unaffected side? Hope you are well! Sandy
    May 2013
  • raven
    I have been NED since I completed treatment. I was pretty healthy going into it and work at staying healthy now. They give me pretty poor odds, 85% recurrance in 5 years, but so far so good at 1 1/2 yrs. My insurance would not cover the machine, but they did cover treatment with it by the therapist. My husband and I have been RVing for about 5 months this winter and in order to do that I needed to know I could have access to the Frequency Specific Microcurrent. My insurance covers 100% of everything else (double covered) so I did not feel too bad about laying out for the machine. Late late spring here. Snowed twice last week for hours! I am so sorry to hear that it seems your cancer is back. I am glad you have faith in your doctors. I will be praying for it to still be regional. Also wanted to say I appreciate your message about missing Nancy the other day.
    May 2013
  • raven
    Hope you had a great Mother's Day celebration. I thought I would jump right in with what I have in my arsenal to combat lymphedema. The first thing is to see a physical therapist and get set up doing lymph drainage massage every day. I often have my husband do it on my back also. I have been told that the lymph channels can reroute and enlarge to accommodate new flow, so the daily massage is important in encouraging that new growth. I also where a sleeve every day. I use an over the counter sleeve from Lymphedivas.com. Your therapist will tell you what level of compression you need. My first "go to" if I start retaining fluid is Frequency Specific Microcurrent. This is somewhat alternative medicine, but if you Google it you will come up with lots of info. I was so impressed with it that I spent $5000. on the machine so that I can treat myself (and have been successfully for 6 months). I use a very high quality essential oil of grapefruit (2 - 3 drops in olive oil) as a massage oil - it is reported to be a lymph system stimulant. I also use a strong tea (brewed for about 8 hours) of bedstraw (also known as cleavers), another lymph system stimulant. Your therapist may be able to show you how to use Kenisio Tape to encourage lymph flow. I have used a homeopathic product called Lymph Assist. I know people that have had help from acupuncturists. I have also been told by a practitioner that jumping on a mini-tramp helps lymphedema because of the zero gravity effect at the top of the height of the jump. I encourage you to start addressing your lymphedema issues right away, as it can become chronic and debilitating. I would be happy to elaborate further on anything I have mentioned here. Best Wishes!
    May 2013
  • raven
    Hi Risa, I have had a much easier go of it then you. I was diagnosed 12/23/10 and started chemo right away. Stage T4d N1 M0. After 10 weeks my onc decided I was responding so well he wanted to go an extra 3 weeks (15 total with weekly intravenous adriamycin). Very shortly after that I developed a bladder ulceration which was a side effect of the oral Cytoxan. My onc died suddenly and I went down to MD Anderson for a second opinion. While there I developed pneumonia, which they could not find a cause for but my have been related to the cytoxan or the steroids. Came back to Alaska and did 12 weeks of Pacitaxel. After a short recovery time I went to MD A for unilateral surgery, very uneventful, thankfully and then started on Anastrozole. Of the 30 nodes removed 10 were cancerous. In Sept 2011 I had 4 weeks of radiation external beam and proton, twice daily, and came through that easily also.I did not do reconstruction, and do not plan to. I did develop lymphedema in my underarm and back which then spilled over into my upper arm. I have been very successful keeping that in control. I refuse to wear my prosthesis because I feel the bra band and strap contribute to the lymphedema. My remaining breast is not quite a B cup and I can wear scarves and jackets that make my imbalance less obvious. Having some knee pain, perhaps from the Anastrozole perhaps arthritis. I sure hope things start looking up for you and that the rash is just a rash! Stay in touch, if you would like to just chat or vent I would be happy to have someone to talk with.
    May 2013
    Hi Risa,
    Thanks for sharing your story. I am so sorry you are going through all of this! I truly hope it's just a rash for you! I had a free flap done for reconstruction as I was told I couldn't have implants because I needed radiation. I am hoping and praying this is all behind me! I will keep you in my prayers!
    May 2013
  • Jeanine
    Hi, what stage IBC ?
    April 2013
  • wendy123
    Hi,How are you doing?
    November 2012