

  • innadoon
    Hi, MaryEdythe,
    It astounds me sometimes that it becomes necessary for a patient to actually escape treatment or care. I recently escaped a retina specialist to whom my doctor is trying to make me return. Nope.

    Absolutely best on you and your friends for having the courage to escape when necessary - I used to be a CNA working with Alzheimer's patients and I would not want to be in such a place. To actually be the caregiver of a loved one with that disease and then be placed amidst it would blow me over the edge.

    I hope and (with your permission) will offer prayers for you to find the best care possible away from the..well, worst care possible.

    My best wishes to you in your time of need. -innadoon
    September 2013
  • Elvia
    Wow thank you so much for your post. I can't even try to imagine how that must have been for you. But our stories have made us warriors and it's a big part of who we are. I've just got to accept that it's who I am and if people don't like it then oh well. friends are everywhere. Sending you positive thoughts and prayers :) - Elvia
    October 2013
  • 2bbcontinued
    Hi Maryedythe.
    Hope you are doing OK. Take care.
    April 2014
  • weighmaster
    Haven't seen you on for awhile
    Hope you are well
    We are in SeaTac
    March 2014
  • rosey
    thinking of you and wanted to say hello, hope you're doing okay :)
    February 2014
  • Joachima
    I was just thinking of you, MaryEdythe .... how are you feeling?
    January 2014
  • HOBO
    Hello Maryedythe,

    How are you doing? I hope you were able to enjoy the holiday. You have been through so much lately and then moving on top of it all.

    Sending hugs,

    December 2013
  • HOBO
    Hello Maryedythe,

    Have not seen any posts from you lately so.wanted to check in. I hope you are.feeling well and no more repercussions from your other issues. Let us know how you are.doing when you feel up to it.

    December 2013
  • HOBO
    Good morning Maryedythe,

    Happy.thanksgiving. have not seen the weather this morning. Do you have rain in the pacific northwest today? We are cool and some clouds but looking for low.60s with sunshine later today. Perfect to go out and toss.the football about.but.never.done that in my life. Ha ha. My husbands brother arrived late last night so we are having a slow start this morning. I am still.enjoying coffee and holding my cat Tugboat. It enough he is.not to anxious to move.

    Today we.will.just easy. tomorrow as.originally family wasnt going to arrive until tonight. We will.have a no pressure holiday and just relax..

    Sending warm hugs for a.nice holiday.

    November 2013
  • cloverlady4
    Thank you MaryEdythe, and a very Happy Thanksgiving to you as well. Happy to see you are posting again.
    November 2013
  • zoe
    Sooo glad you are ok MaryEdythe !!! Hope things keep getting better and better. Zoe
    November 2013
  • HOBO
    Hello Maryedythe,

    How you feeling this fine saturday? Has your nausea subsided? I only have nine more treatments to go. Still have some side effects but getting it done. I had a busy week so am looking forward to taking it easy today.

    Hope you are doing well. Stay in touch.

    November 2013
  • cloverlady4
    Hi MaryEdithe, checking in to see how you are doing. Haven't seen any posts from you lately. Hope you are OK.
    November 2013
  • HOBO
    Me too. Getting a little concerned about you. Hope you are okay and just busy.

    November 2013
  • cloverlady4
    All I can say is WOW about your plane experience. No one should have to deal with things like that.. You are truly an inspiration to me because now you are dealing with all this cancer crap without being overwhelmingly angry. I have overcome a lot of issues during my life and cancer just seems to be one more hurdle to get over....again. lol....I thought once was enough but, not my call.
    Catch you later.....:)
    November 2013
  • Gabba
    Wow...a Sox fan all the way out in Seattle...thanks for the shout out!
    October 2013
  • cloverlady4
    I'm doing OK MaryEdythe. Sorry to hear you fell and got hurt. You are a plane crash survivor? omg...I hate flying. I do it but I hate it. Do you still fly? I usually just pray that if the planes going down please make it at the END of the vacation so at least I will have had a good time I'm sorry if this is a sore subject for you. I will not mention it again.
    The trees do seem to be especially brilliant this year. Some of them look almost neon. Even the oaks are turning nice burgundies and maroons.
    Well, catch you later......:)
    November 2013
  • HOBO
    Good morning Maryedythe,

    How are you doing? Is it colorful in Seattle? I am feeling the weather change in northern california. Guess we should. It is now November, huh? Hope you are doing well.

    November 2013
  • sherrya
    Hi, How are you doing? I did have the ct scan, it said no definite sign of metastatic disease, but I have opacity in the left external iliac region. What the heck does that mean? ( Dr. says can be a number of reasons). I'll have another scan in January to compare. So good news, but not, I'm thinking that opaque lymph node may be cancer. Happy I have until Jan to be free of dr appointments and treatments.
    November 2013
  • weighmaster
    Hi there. I'm done with chemo till January. I live in SeaTac
    Small world
    November 2013
  • cloverlady4
    Hi, just checking in to see how you are doing.
    November 2013
  • Gabba
    We did champions!!
    October 2013
  • 2bbcontinued
    Hi MaryEdythe. I am doing OK. How are you doing? Glad you are able to post regularly again. Hope you continue to feel able to post through your treatment. I enjoy reading your postings.
    October 2013
  • HOBO
    Good morning Maryedythe,

    How are you doing? I hope things have improved. You have had a rough road. I will do rad #12 today. I just keep checking them off. We will get through this!

    Happy Tuesday.

    October 2013
  • nicki0920
    How are you feeling lately? I know you've had a rough road. I hope it has smoothed out a bit. You are the true definition of warrior. You have taken all that has been thrown at you and kept going with a positive attitude. To top it off, you are such a sweet and supportive person. There are many people here that are thrilled that you found what next.
    October 2013
  • HOBO
    Happy Monday Maryedythe,

    Hope you are feeling better today and the nausea has subsided.

    October 2013
  • cassie_1076
    thank you
    October 2013
  • 2bbcontinued
    Hi MaryEdythe. I'm sorry you have been having such a hard time of it. I hope things improve quickly for you. You are such a kind & thoughtful person, you are missed. I understand at times just not having the energy to go line. Ive been there. So take your time, do what you gotta do & I'll look forward to reading your posting when you are able.
    October 2013
  • HOBO
    HI Maryedythe,

    Have not checked in for a few.days. how are you feeling? How are rads going? You have been through so.much lately. I know you are strong and brave but it is still tough and you hAve a right to feel overwhelmed? I know you loved your caretaker Edwina but she was short term. Hopefully, you have friends or someone helping you now.

    Sending you hugs and happy thoughts for today.

    October 2013
  • zoe
    Oh MaryEdythe, what you are going through, I feel so sad for you.
    You're right that we are so lucky to be able to have treatment,so many can't, we have to always have to remember that. I just wish you had someone to help you through this. Do you live in a place where you have a neighbor close by that you could call if you need something in a hurry ? I hope you feel better and better each day.I'll be thinking of you.Oh, this will be my 3rd cancer related surgery.I was going to say, I hope it's my last,but I might be praying for another one someday ( God forbid ! ) Take it easy,good luck. Zoe
    October 2013