

  • Bug
    Hi, Ejourneys. Your response to JBean71 about a compression sleeve for flying included a link to Nancy Stordahl's page. I had not heard of her before. Have you read either of her two books (Cancer Was Not a Gift & It Didn't Make Me a Better Person and the one on preparing for chemo)? If so, what did you think? I'm just wondering about them. Thank you!
    January 2016
  • BarbarainBham
    Ejourneys, my sympathy goes out to you for all the problems with the doctors and diagnoses of your partner. I've had experiences with "bad" doctors before I started to the large medical center where I go now. In the1990's before my cancer, it took me years and many doctors to get my diagnosis of fibromyalgia, and I cried with relief when I finally got a diagnosis.

    I know you were not one of the WhatNexters who did this, but I'm concerned when someone says they are "overwhelmed" and specifically asks if they can just trust their doctor. I think some WhatNexters should be more sensitive to the fact that everyone is not up to research and shouldn't be pressured about it.

    Best wishes to you in the New Year!
    December 2015
  • BarbarainBham
    Ejourneys, my sympathy goes out to you for all the problems with the doctors and diagnoses of your partner. I've had experiences with "bad" doctors before I started to the large medical center (NCI-designated Cancer Center) where I go now. Before cancer, it took me years and many doctors to get my diagnosis of fibromyalgia. (I had purposely avoided going to a doctor where I worked because of confidentiality, and naively thought other doctors in our city would be as good.)

    I will never again go to a doctor in private practice because no one has authority over them short of a malpractice suit---and that's not my goal. . . .
    Confidence in my doctors is a reward for going to a large medical center where doctors are employees, are evaluated by peers and patients, and are penalized for bad behavior. If you wonder why a doctor would choose to work in a large medical center as above, and make less money than those in private practice, it's because they're driven by staying on the cutting edge, doing research that finds cures, solving difficult cases, and being the very best experts in medicine----all the things we patients benefit from!

    I'll get off that soapbox now. I will add that when WhatNext cancer patients say they are overwhelmed with information, I feel it's a FAVOR to advise them to let their doctors guide them, and I assume they have great doctors to start with. I think some patients aren't ABLE to research and don't need that expectation stress-wise. (I started out a schoolteacher, so I have a soft heart.)

    Best wishes to you in the New Year!
    December 2015
  • judithj
    Ejourneys - Your thoughtful responses are always proactive and helpful. Thank you for taking the time to reply to all our questions and worries.
    December 2015
  • timetoshare
    You did and excellent job posting the side effects you had. It's so helpful for others. I wondered about the ecoli? Is that because your body finds it hard to fight off illness? Thank you for your post.Bless you.
    December 2015
  • TXHills
    I like your attitude ! I also left an abusive relationship and realized that the worst consequence for them was, they would have to live every day of the rest of their life without me. Better than any legal punishment yet devised, I think.
    December 2015
  • banditwalker
    Hi Ejourneys, Question for you. Do you use coloring pencils or markers? Or what would you suggest for a beginner? Thanks in advance.
    December 2015
  • Teachergirl
    Thank you for being such a wealth of sharing and information!
    December 2015
  • Gabba
    Would you mind if I sent you a personal email regarding the pictures I did for my granddaughters for Christmas? Grace
    November 2015
  • Lorie
    Hi Since we live In the same county would you mind telling me Where you got the mammogram where they gave you the CD and The radiology report before you left? I had mine at Citrus Memorial And had to wait for letter.
    November 2015
  • Gabba
    Hello...just got back from a two week cruise On the Brilliance of the Seas to the Caribbean and had to share this with you...every morning there was an adult coloring session sponsored by Crayola on the ship!!!
    I was blown away...it really is catching on. Grace
    November 2015
  • BoiseB
    I thought you might be interested this article in my newsletter. Of course it simplifies things but the documentation is good and interesting to follow
    October 2015
  • TXHills
    How is your partner doing in recovering from her surgery?
    October 2015
  • bookgirl
    Ejourneys - I live in Terra Vista - in one of your comments you mentioned a local breast cancer support group. Would you mind giving me info on them? I am so impressed with your knowledge and willingness to share! Thanks, Karin (bookgirl)
    September 2015
  • Agnese
    SO THOSE ARE THE LINKs TO THE SURVEY...i am so sorry but the free website set a limit of 18 questions so i had to generate two different links. They are around 26 questions and I hope my English is sufficiently understandable. Anyway if you notice some mistakes or you have any kind of advice just let me know:) So I've created two different surveys:

    - this is for the caregivers who HAVE NOT HAD the need to move from their hometown in order to take care of someone

    LINK 1: http://freeonlinesurveys.com/s/FFQRuYEQ

    LINK 2; http://freeonlinesurveys.com/s/azK9Lqv1

    - this is for the caregivers HAVE HAD the need to move from their hometown in order to take care of someone

    LINK 1: http://freeonlinesurveys.com/s/FFQRuYEQ

    LINK 2; http://freeonlinesurveys.com/s/azK9Lqv1

    THANK YOU SO MUCH:) The survey it's completely anonimous. If you want to know the progress of my work let's keep in touch: agnese.cunsolo1989@hotmail.it

    October 2015
  • Lorie
    Hi Girl,
    What's that bone video you mentioned? I looked at a few threads and couldn't find it. Tx Lorie
    September 2015
  • TXHills
    Good afternoon. I have a question. Didn't you have some kind of pin or button you wore indicating your immunity was down, so people would know not to hug you or shake your hand? I need something like that for outings and church, when I'm neutropenic. They are a hugging bunch!
    September 2015
  • Danielle3
    Thank you for all the helpful tips on preparing for chemo. Yes, I'm still nervous as heck. But I am going to pray my way through. I am also going to follow some of the things you mentioned. You are an inspiration to many...especially me. All of this is overwhelming but I have faith. Again I look forward to reading you help. Again thanks
    September 2015
  • Mika
    August 2015
  • meyati
    Ejouney-drug addicts don't get help. They might get help if they commit a vicious crime, but there's no guarantee. My son is a disabled vet-150%-75 for mental, 75% for spinal. He's doing really good, but I never know when he'll become over-whelmed. I thought it smelled like frying meat. I asked what he was cooking. Nothing. I went in, and he jumped and said that he was thinking of cleaning the stove. A few days later, he showed me his arm- 3rd degree burns. He went up and asked for help. As a sea cook, his arms were scared and burnt up. I've had a few myself from cooking and wielding. Until then he had been able to lie.

    His son is a heroin addict, all of his maternal uncles died from DUI, other alcohol problems, brown Mexican heroin, shot. My D-I-L is a sweet hard working person, but out of 8 kids, only her and her sister that's married to a Navy officer are not criminal and are kind-hearted. That grandson is horrible. He's in jail waiting for a court date for domestic abuse, stolen cars, drugs, kidnapping. They'll probably let him out for drug counseling-but he won't go, if he did want to go, there wouldn't be room. 2 years ago, he tried to kill me. The only time I'm not scared to go outside is when he's in jail.

    My son is doing good, but he loves his son and has his flights of fantasy. Do you remember all of those toilet cleaner commercials, that were Army based with a screaming Sgt. He had the message from the TV that he needed to flush a cat down the the toilet to clean the toilet. He picked up a 13 lb cat, but the cat didn't cooperate. I came home from work, and looked at him. He said- the TV is giving me messages to flush the cats down the toilet-the fat cat got mad. I looked at him. he went and called the VA for admission. He stayed there for 5 weeks. Once, he decided that he'd be cured if his son was released from prison. He came home crying, they were very firm in saying they didn't have anything to do with prisons, and if they did the release of a violent felon wouldn't cure him, and he'd be in physical danger.

    I do know what you're talking about the other way. I went to a certification course. I was the outsider. One older teacher brought his demented wife. The leader would say something that was a trigger. Once she even got on the little stage and sang a song from HMS Pinafore. She danced too, lifting her skirt and someone forgot to put her panties on. Everyone headed out to eat-yapping- she was trailing them like a 6 year-old trying to follow a teen-aged cousin. I went out to the 4th floor balcony to enjoy the view. She found me. I ate- and said- yeah, uh-huh . It was time to get back. She wouldn't go. She had been a tad aggressive when her husband tried to get her to stop lifting her skirt. So, I went back to the hall. Where is she? How could you leave her? I toldd them that I wasn't going to fight with her and drag her by her hair down the halls. They never apologized to me- when they got back-they lectured me and her husband claimed that he was so tired and I looked responsible. I told him that he was responsible for his wife, not me and it seems like his friends could help him.

    Then I told everyone how this nice old lady grabbed my nose pinched and pulled it with a twist at my oncology clinic July 23rd.

    I have an idea of what you're going through, but I don't know either. My son doesn't wander, he can drive, he can function but he has his spells. That's far different from all of the time like you have. He leaves fires on. But he does not let the hounds out or do anything that might hurt them. I think that he loves them more than me, which suits me well. I think that this gives you more of an idea how important Levi is. Some of my son's friends-and even VA staff tell my son that I'm in it only for the money, I'm an anchor to pull him down-his friends want his resources. The VA sees lots of scammers. He complains to Levi- Levi listens-then Levi points out some of the good things that I do and the bad things that I don't do. I wish that you had a Levi--- Hugs---
    August 2015
  • geekling
    Would you please mention again, the title of the book you wrote. Is it available on Kindle?

    Have you looked into hemp oil (legal, simply nutritional with a perfect for people fatty acid mix for people (omega 3- omega 6).
    You could use it instead of olive oil to get a tablespoon down your mate per day.

    So many people are half a quart low in needed nutrition. It can't hurt to have a good supply of your vitamins and minerals. I grow a food plant called moringa. Look it up on wiki or fitday or nutrition data. I'd be happy to send you some for your partner (or you) to see if it can help.

    I send some to a friend with HIV. Over the course of two years she has gone from bedridden to a sometimes used gym membership and she thinks more clearly. I eat it too.

    Stay well.
    August 2015
  • LiveWithCancer
    Can you show us the bra you designed ... at least after the event?
    August 2015
  • jstonefelt
    I had a mucinous tumor as well. My doctors tell me it's rare. I also had a DCIS in the same breast. I am happy to find you - it looks like you are just a little ways ahead of me:)
    August 2015
  • Lorie
    I saw your lovebug song:):) they are a PIA but I try not to harm them. Have a Q for you. Don't feel like going to Tampa for Zometa biophosphate injection or infusion monthly for 6 mos. Think I'd rather do the Prolia or monthly pills. so called my doc here in Inamess and she doesn't do them and doesn't know who does. Do you know anything about where one can get them locally?
    July 2015
  • David-323871
    I am loyal, responsible, active, responsible, loving, caring, sharing, kindhearted,warm, accommodating,compassionate,tolerant,laid back type,outgoing,welcoming to people generally,I like to sing,write poems,listening to music,swimming,playing Basketball,watching TV,Movies going to GYM and comedies,I love public intimacy and want a good woman with a good heart,one with good knowledge about love and who knows how a man is been treated,age or colour difference do not matter to me at all,as long as she loves me,I want a relationship that will last forever and won't fade no matter what

    July 2015
  • David-323871
    July 2015
  • geekling
    Hi; you don't know what happened to the men who are being portrayed in the movie called Red Tails, do you? They are also known as the Tuskegee Airmen. Try looking them up in a search engine. Is the movie any good? I like Cuba Gooding.
    June 2015
  • Lorie
    Hi! you've replied to a few of my Q's and now I read here we live very near each other. I went to RBOC too:) Is that support group mtg tomorrow, Fri?? Lorie
    June 2015
  • TXHills
    Good morning! I hope you are well this week. Yard work in the heat is kicking my can, but I'm hydrating and pacing myself.
    I hope I'm not crossing a line here, but I was curious what type of work you do from home for your clients?
    June 2015
  • LiveWithCancer
    I appreciate you so much. You are always so helpful to people with tons of great information. Thank you!
    June 2015