

  • Rustysmom
    Hi Bug,
    I just read that you lost your Mom. I'm so sorry to hear that. Sending you prayers and hugs!
    February 2017
  • LiveWithCancer
    Bug, i am so very sorry to read about your mom passing away. I wish there was a way to take away the pain. Prayers of comfort and peace!
    February 2017
  • Gabba
    I am so sorry to learn of your mother's passing. Please be assured of my prayers at this difficult time.
    February 2017
  • Carool
    Hi, Grace. How'd it go today? I know you may not yet have results. Hoping for an all-clear! Hugs, Carol
    January 2017
  • Carool
    Hi, Bug! I'm just wishing you a very negative breast MRI next month. And a merry Christmas and happy and healthy new year. Hugs, Carol
    December 2016
  • barbaraanne
    It's been awhile since I've been on the site, just wanted to say Hi and hope all is going well with you. Wishing you a Happy Thanksgiving....
    November 2016
  • coco1101
    Look at that cute little "bug" doggie - yup, we're not crazy... we have our priorities straight. You dog looks like a little darling, so sweet and looks well behaved - for the picture at least! We love our dogs. Mine is the boss of our house, all 9 lbs. of her! She's 15 now and holding up pretty good, though her back legs are stiff and sometimes it looks like she's hopping. We are giving her Glucosamine and Chondroitin and 1/2 of a baby aspirin every other day to help her be comfortable. We lover her to death... when she does go, we'll be in mourning here... Don't laugh.

    November 2016
  • GregP_WN
    Thanks for supporting others by offering advice and positive wishes! It does make a difference for them to see that other people have been there and are doing OK.
    October 2016
  • Carool
    Bug, how'd everything go with your mammo?
    July 2016
  • Tamrarose
    Hi. I see you live close to my area. My name is Tamra Rose. I moved to Citrus Heights recently from the coast to receive treatment at UCDavis. I've found a few resources in the area but am always open to any and all suggestions. Being new to the area has been a challenge since I have no community connections. Support groups and local organizations would be great if you know of any. Thankyou!
    March 2016
  • gonewest
    That's the most precious little pup in your avatar. I just want to hug him/her!
    January 2016
  • ItsMeJennifer
    Hi, Bug! Thank you for your nice comment. So...are you on Herceptin? I love your doggie! I'm thinking of getting a small dog.
    January 2016
  • ItsMeJennifer
    Just noticed that you're not Her2 positive so please ignore my question about Herceptin. :((( Silly me.
    January 2016
  • GregP_WN
    Hello Bug,

    I'm not sure if I've already asked you about this or not, we are looking for a few people that would like to share their cancer journey story in a little detail for our WhatNexter of the week articles we post. You can see some of them on our blog page here www.whatnext.com/blog and scroll down until you find a WhatNexter of The Week article. If interested we would need you to write us a little biographical piece describing your diagnosis, treatments, and how you're doing. You can look at some of the previous posts for an idea.
    Let me know if interested, and if so email it to greg @ whatnext . com
    Thanks for your input on the site!
    February 2015
  • tvizme
    Murphy is adorable
    January 2015
  • pattiep
    HI Bug - Thanks for your kind comments on my wall - I am feeling a bit better than I was. It turns out that I was sick with a kidney infection and when the doctor did my blood work I have a severe vitamin D deficiency - day after I wrote that. He said this makes you very fatigued and feeling down! I'm over the infection and have been taking 4000 IU of D3 every day and can feel a difference. i'm still tired but not nearly as down. I also saw my daughter and spent this past week with her (still can't get used to her at college and its her 3rd year!)

    I have considered a therapist but one of my issues aside from the chemo and fatigue is the never ending doctor's appointments and work. I feel like any more appointments and I'll scream. When work is done I just want to go home once I do everything to wrap up the day. And doctor's appointments are so hard to fit in. If I don't continue to feel better I will have to give it more consideration. Thank you again! Venting always helps me feel better because I tend to bottle up so I don't upset people around me...
    December 2014
  • aewelch
    I have just finished my Chemo January of this year. I still feel drained and faded. Hoping to get back soon.
    October 2014
  • ivyJ
    ivyJ Bug
    Hi, yes I was 73 in April. I developed my maturity very slowly. When I was 19, I paid the 12 year old fare with no questions asked. It beneficial now, but it wasn't easy when I was young. I was teased by friends and relatives. I was shaped like a boy in my youth, and at 16 I bought my jeans in the 10 year old boy's department. Today the doctors would have prescribed hormones to help my hermaphrodite look. When I got older I became beautiful and my shape didn't matter. Some of my folks became jealous of my thin lips and straight nose. My dad was a mulatto, his dad was Caucasian; that's what we called a white and black mix in those days. He was small and my mother was small. I was 3 and one-half pounds at birth. With no access to an incubator and born at home. Women of color were not allowed to give birth at the hospital in 1941 Virginia. I was placed in my grandfather's shoe box. The visiting doctor didn't expect me to live. My mom had to return to work and couldn't nurse me. My grandmom soak milk in a muslin cloth and let me suck on that. I did live and I'm still fighting to live. This is my third time with cancer. First, endometrial, then breast, now small bowel. The first tumor was removed but it had metastasized throughout my digestive system; due to neglect by Mt. Sinai in NYC. It's a policy where they base medical treatment on your life expectancy. Less than 9 years left according to statistics, then the hospital does not have to give you a CT.
    I'm no longer angry but will share the policy with What Next Cancer if I can find it again..
    October 2014
  • MMarie

    Lenny and Squiggy are in this video. Have a look.
    September 2014
  • Carool
    Bug, I just wanted to say: I love your screen name!
    August 2014
  • barbaraanne
    Hey just wanted to say Hi, haven't been on the site much trying to get back on. What's going on w/u. R u doing chemo treatment now?
    July 2014
  • barbaraanne
    Hi, how r u? It's been awhile...I hope all is well w/u...I've been busy helping my Mom out since her stroke. She just finished w/her Physical Therapy today, and she is doing very well...(thank god) a little of balance but walking around...I'm doing good, no tests until April so trying to stay positive and live life.. Going crazy w/all the snow, we must have had around 60 inches or so. I ready for Spring:) How's your weather been?
    February 2014
  • KLC
    KLC Bug
    Just saw one of your postings. . .had to tell you that your pooch is adorable ! ! ! : )
    January 2014
  • barbaraanne
    Hey how are you doing? Sorry it's been awhile since I posted anything. What's new?
    November 2013
  • BELLA2013
    sorry about the root canal . But if you stash away
    The candy when your tooth gets better your all
    October 2013
  • SueRae1
    sending healing vibes for your root canal.
    October 2013
  • zoe
    zoe Bug
    Thanks Bug,I appreciate it. Hope you have a great weekend with that beautiful little puppy
    September 2013
  • Fortyniner
    Hi bug I'm doing ok got done with 4 days of radiation
    Hopefully next week is good too. Take care
    July 2013
  • cris
    cris Bug
    Hi Bug, The pain is getting better for now, I just have been having a hard time with my feelings this week. I feel fat, ugly & really wish this didn't happen to me, but I guess I am just feeling sorry for myself. I have been so positive through everything & then bam I get all these feelings in my head. I try & explain this to my husband & he tells me you are beautiful I know he means it but I don't feel it at times. Sorry for going on & on, thanks for listening. well I am off to radiation, talk to you later...
    May 2013
  • cris
    cris Bug
    Hi Bug, no I haven't gotten the compression sleeve yet, she did say I was getting one, don't know do they have to fit you with one or order unsure how it goes. have a wonderful weekend,
    May 2013