

  • Bug
    Hi, barbaraanne! It was nice to see a post from you. Cute photo, too. :-)
    July 2017
  • Bug
    Hi, barbaraanne. I just wanted to check in and see how you're doing and say Hello. I am so happy to see your post from two months ago that things are going well. I'm so happy for you and I hope that the more recent blood work was all good as well. I hope you had a nice holiday. Very best wishes to you. : )
    January 2016
  • Bug
    Hi, barbaraanne. I just wanted to say "Hello" and see how you're doing. I hope you had a nice holiday.
    January 2015
  • Bug
    Hi, barbaraanne. I saw your comment on Donnie's wall about having a mammo and chest x-ray next week. Good luck! I'm thinking of you and sending prayers and good thoughts your way. Big hug to you.
    October 2014
  • arcountrygirl
    I'm glad to see you online and wanted to thank you for the encouragement you gave me in the beginning when I was scared. I have finished A/C with only mild side effects and started taxotere last Thursday. I am so glad that you are cancer free.
    February 2014
  • Poconos3
    Congratulations Barbaraanne!!! We both finished at the same time....I just had my second clear mammo...going to oncologist today to talks out removing the port!!! So happy, relieved, thankful :) be blessed xoxoxo
    February 2014
  • Bug
    Hi, barbaraanne. Didn't you have some sort of test on December 6? How did it go?
    December 2013
  • Bug
    Hi, barbaraanne. Things are fine on this end. I have an MRI on December 3. The scanxiety is already starting to creep in but I'm trying to stay focused - trying not to ruin today by worrying about tomorrow, as they say. I am grateful that at least I can have MRIs. I'm so happy you finished your treatments. I bet you are, too!
    November 2013
  • arcountrygirl
    I am new to the club nobody wants to join. I am sorry you feel so bad today. Sometime I would like to hear about your journey.
    November 2013
  • Cellkiller
    Start round 4 of XELODA on Monday 29 of July. Need my friends to think good thoughts for me Blessings CELLKILLER
    July 2013
  • Cellkiller
    Wishing all my friends on What'sNext
    a great Sunday filled with hope for the future, and a cure this year 2013
    Blessings CELLKILLER
    August 2013
  • Cellkiller
    If you are suffering from a disease, or a chronic medical condition, you may wonder if you can ever be healed. The Bible has good news for you!
    While doctors and medicine are a gift of God – and He certainly uses them to bring healing – His power is infinitely greater than any human wisdom or prescription. In fact, He “is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to His power that is at work within us” (Ephesians 3:20b).

    Throughout the Bible, God encourages us to call upon Him for healing. He says in Exodus 15:26b, “I am the LORD who heals you,” and we call Him “Jehovah Rapha” because He is the God of healing. Psalm 103:2-3 says, “Praise the LORD, O my soul, and forget not all His benefits – who forgives all your sins and heals all your diseases.”AMEN
    Blessings CELLKILLER
    August 2013
  • Cellkiller
    Thanks for the post on my chemo prayer
    August 2013
  • Cellkiller
    Dear Lord it's Friday again. How many Fridays have I faced with this cancer inside me? I've lost count. But I haven't lost my faith. Because this is the day that every thing turns around for me.

    My cancer will be healed this Friday.My pain will go away this Friday. I won't feel sick this Friday.I wont be unloved this Friday. My hair will begin to grow this Friday.I won't want to vomit constantly this Friday.I will thank my doctors and the pharmaceutical companies for all their help this Friday.My family will cry with happiness,this Friday.And I will thank you my GOD for curing me of this disease. This Friday.
    I will hear bells in the air and shout horay for me. My eyes open and I wake up. It's only my alarm going off thats right its Friday. I awaken Oh GOD another day with cancer. Oh well I will fight on with GOD at my side and maybe it'll soon be next Friday.the Friday that I'm cured.
    BLessings CELLKILLER
    August 2013
  • Cellkiller
    Thought this might help today;

    Father, for the strength you have given me I thank you.
    For the health you have blessed me with, I thank you.
    For the women who are going through breast cancer
    I ask you to strengthen and to heal as you see fit.
    Lord we know you want us to be in good health and to prosper.
    Lord use us to do the work you have for us to do.
    For we know time is getting short on this earth.
    Lord be with every woman who is sick
    and encourage them as only you can.
    I know how faithful you are.
    You have shown yourself to be everything
    you say you are in your Holy Word.
    I praise you for you made this body
    and you can heal this body.
    In Jesus Name I pray.
    Blessings CELLKILLER
    August 2013
  • Cellkiller
    I felt a prayer for you would be in order
    Bless, O God,
    all who struggle with cancer.
    Empower them with hope
    for each and every day.
    Provide them with loving
    and tender care, laughter,
    and the support of love.
    Grant them
    courage when they are afraid,
    comfort when they are in pain,
    and your blessing
    when all else seems hopeless,
    that in their fight with illness
    they may continue to praise you
    and glorify your name.
    May God heal me,
    body and soul.
    May my pain cease,
    May my strength increase,
    May my fears be released,
    May blessings, love,
    and joy surround me.
    Blessings CELLKILLER
    August 2013
  • Cellkiller
    Welcome to my list of fiends. You know what I hate most about cancer is that it takes beautiful people who never hurt anyone and makes the suffer. For such a beautiful woman as your self to suffer with cancer someone should be taken out back and shot.
    But I promise you one thing I will be here for you to say hello or just encourage you along the journey to recovery. And rest assured i will pray for you every day. And twice on Sunday he he
    Blessings Cellkiller
    July 2013
  • Barb67
    My name is Barbara Ann and I am a survivor of TNBC also ! We will have to be friends !!
    July 2013
  • Bug
    Hi, barbaraanne. I'm catching up on some digests this evening and checking in with some folks. How are you doing?
    July 2013
  • Bug
    Hi, barbaraanne. I noticed your photo included your dog. What a cutie he/she is. (I have a little white fluffy guy, too. He's my baby.) I then read your experiences. How are you doing? I don't know when that last experience was posted. Are you doing chemo again? I hope you are hanging in there.
    July 2013
  • Pdale
    I had your same cancer, different chemo cocktail called TAC (taxotere, adriamycin, and cytoxan back in July 2006, so far no recurrence. I definitely feel for you, but it is true; TNBC is a highly aggressive cancer no matter what the size of the tumor. I think mine was 1.5 cms, described as barely palpable. My advice is to get the second opinion but don't be too disappointed if chemo is recommended again. Just keep fighting the good fight.
    June 2013
  • susan4me
    I am very confused myself nobody can give a good answer on thisf question well good luck to you thank god its stage 2 youll be fine
    June 2013
  • little_fut
    Thanx and you too. I supose this will pass but somedays are so........xxxxx that i wonder if it will ever for my baldness, I too keep saying today no wig, hat or scarf but in reality, I cant yet. Nice to know Im not alone ... im not the only scaredy one around. Thanx for your response.

    May 2013
  • Poconos3
    Hi Barbaraanne:)

    Yes, I finished the radiation treatment; still tired but slowly getting some energy back. Have been a bit lethargic/depressed...I need to get moving, exercise wise and speak more positively. After all of the heavy treatments come to an end; I experienced a post traumatic lull...but, I don't want to stay mode too long! Looks like a snow day for me today:) Hope you are very well. Be blessed. XO
    March 2013
  • cjwarden
    Hi Barbara! Yes, I am triple negative. Scary. CAM stands for Complimentary Alternative Medicine. I've decided for a bilateral, since there is a strong history of cancer in my family. My mom had 3 different types, and survived them all! Thanks for writing!
    March 2013
  • bronxboy
    I'm glad that you appreciated the article.
    Good luck!
    bx boy
    January 2013
  • trixie
    Thanks for your post. I hope you are feeling reasonably well during this treatment.
    Keep trying to get outside as much as possible, and know that there are others who really understand the mental and physical side effects you are feeling.
    January 2013
  • GregP_WN
    Hi Barbaraanne, cute dog, is that a yorkie? I can't tell from the picture. My wife has had yorkies for years, they are precious little dogs.

    I just wanted to wish you well on your next round of chemo, I hope it's a smooooooth one for you.

    Let us know how your doing.

    Greg P
    3x Survivor
    Team WhatNext
    December 2012
  • Poconos3
    I will lift you up in prayer and you can lift me up; together, we will overcome<3 I am working; qualify for family medical leave, but I have no sick days because I used them up last year for partial, when I take off it's without pay:/ Probably another reason why chemo was not a good plan for me now; if I do it, it will have to be in the summer when I have more time off.

    My mom flew in from Florida for the Lumpectomy/Nodes and port surgery; she's coming back for Christmas and will probably stay a week or two to see if I'm ok with radiation. My son lives in the area and he has been visiting often. I'm glad you are not alone; I live alone and it was kind of scary (should have listen to my mom she wanted to stay for chemo).

    I really like the radiology department at the "new center"; smiles. I had my surgery done in Hackettstown, NJ; my primary physician recommended Summit Breast Care, and one of the surgeons on the team operates one day a week in Hackettstown.

    If you need any help, or a ride, let me know; I have off through Jan 1st., wahoo!!!
    December 2012
  • Poconos3
    Thank you Barbaraanne:) We live close to each other and probably go to the same center.
    I tried the painkillers; but they made me so stomach sick, I wound up dehydrating and going to the ER on the fifth day. For me it was a combination of factor(s); one being so sick and feeling what the poison was doing every step of the way; and secondly, researching the data (which I wish I had done before) regarding percentage attached to effectiveness and percentage of chance of secondary cancers as a result of the chemo). For me, I just think the alternatives i.e., radiation, hormone therapy, Herceptin, dramatic change in diet and no smoking, are enough weapons in the arsenal for now. Mine only metastasized to the first node and in that node only 5% of the node was effected; in other words, it just got there (all other ten nodes were clear) if it isn't anywhere else in my body (they said I didn't qualify for a pet scan; then why in the world are they giving me something as dangerous to my system as chemo? Oh well, I believe I am making a good decision, but I do think it is different for each person. I appreciate you encouraging me; it was really bad from the get go; even had allergic reactions the day after when I went for my booster shot. I start radiation next week; I'm encouraged about that-33 sessions. Are you working? Do you have help? I hope you are well and have a wonderful holiday break:) Shari
    December 2012