

  • Lisa1964
    Hi TammyF. I don't know if this is appropriate, but after seeing that long thread and not undrstanding what caused it, I just want to say to you that "jesuisjuif." If this is totally inappropriate, please just ignore it. Regardless, hugs.
    January 2015
  • DJS
    Just a note to let you know I'm thinking of you. I just read The Long Thread (I had read Barry's Farewell Address and wondered why he was popping up again), and when I saw what was going on with you…well, I can't say I was speechless because there was a lot to say, but there's no point saying anything to Barry. I do, however, want to say to you that we've interacted on this board several times and I care about you, and if you decide to leave -- which would be a shame because there's a lot of support and information here -- please get my email address from Greg so we can stay in touch. You need all the friendship you can get at times like this. (Tell Greg I said it's okay -- he's done it before.)
    January 2015
  • LiveWithCancer
    How is your husband doing, TammyF?
    January 2015
  • lilymadeline
    Hi TammyF, Barry is not leaving and I hope that you don’t either!!!!!! Hugs!!!! It really is a great group and I certainly hope to see more of your posts!!! Hugs!!! XOXOXOXO
    January 2015
  • LiveWithCancer
    Tammy, i read your post about your husband still working and that they have done all they can. I was in a similar situation with my lung cancer. I got into a clinical trial over a year ago and it has been great. My cancer has really responded well. Can you guys check into something like that?
    September 2014
  • skimpy10
    You two are in my thoughts and prayers. I have a friend who was told four years ago that he had a short time to live. He's still here, and he is 54. He is able to attend family and social gatherings if he feels up to it. He also goes to Walmart to shop with his son. He's not receiving any treatments except medication for pain and other ailments. I know your husband's life is in God's hands, but I'm hopeful that at least he will live a normal life or at the most live way past what the doctors think. May God bless you both tremendously.
    July 2014
  • BoiseB
    Tammy several days ago I was inspired to pray for you with my prayer group. Still praying
    July 2014
  • andisusan
    I do not allow myself to go there.........these numbers are
    crazy and we already are stressed. My advise is to stay
    away from them...........think about Valerie Harper
    July 2014
  • andisusan
    Thank you for your post. He does not want to talk about it
    and all he says is " I am the same person" All I get is pity from
    friends so I feel very alone and FROZEN
    July 2014
  • meyati
    Health care workers, even for hospice aren't paid that well. So, please lock your things up, don't ever leave anything out or in a jewelry box. Sometimes the loss of of a really cheap trinket hurts more than the loss of a 5 carat diamond.

    Even doctors can be addicted, and I hear that hospice painkillers can be tightly regulated. Each state is different-I live in one with very tight control. It also depends on the personality of the person in charge.

    I had a pharmacy that was shorting me about 5 pills a month- my doctor caught it, and commented that other patients were coming up short. I counted my pills when I got home-do so. I told the doctor this happened each month-and I began counting the last 3 months to make sure-the pharmacy was in the clinic-so the clinic took care of the problem. The pharmacist was selling the pills on the street. She was such a nice person, always smiled at everybody.

    So, please lock up or hide what you have. Then you won't have to worry and be scared.
    June 2014
  • meyati
    Tammy is that with your husband? You are a beautiful couple, and it's easy to see the love.
    June 2014
  • skimpy10
    How are you and your husband doing?
    April 2014
  • Bug
    Hi, TammyF. I was just wondering how you and your husband are doing. I haven't seen a post from you in a while and thought I'd say "Hello" and that I hope things are going well.
    June 2013
  • Bug
    Tammy, I am so happy for your husband and you. I hope everything continues in a positive way. I am also happy to hear it because my dear cousin (age 57) has been diagnosed with esophageal cancer which has spread. I am trying to be positive and your post gives me hope.
    February 2013
  • GregP_WN
    Thanks for being on the site and helping with others. We appreciate you being here!

    Let me know if you have any questions about the site, we are always here to help.

    Greg P
    3x Survivor
    Team WhatNext
    Community Mgr.
    December 2012
  • Syd_Pea
    Tammy how is your husband doing?
    October 2012
  • BoiseB
    TammyF Please get a second opinion. I got the same message two and a half years ago. My cancer had broken through the lining of the esophagus, spread to the stomach and the lymph nodes in the chest I was severly malnourished and female. Diagnosis intially stage IV later downgraded to IIIB I would have accepted the diagnosis if my brother had not been visiting. He asked for a second opinion. My nephew is a primary care doctor. He immediately phoned back and said that one of his patients is a surgeon who is on the cutting edge of developing new surgeries for this cancer and she was very interested in me. I have been cancer free for two years now. If you are interested write me a message and I can help you find second opinions.
    November 2012