

  • Cellkiller
    To all my friends I start my third round of chemo Monday would like some special prayers that all goes well. CELLKILLER
    July 2013
  • iveysmemaw
    Hey I meant to ask you about some sites that you gave to another survivor about sites to help with financial issue when there is no insurance could you post them to my wall so that I can provide them to a friend of mine that is desire straights with payments for his chemo and radiation?
    July 2013
  • LeslieJC
    Hi SueRae1! I was laughing at your comment on my wall about the diarrhea and prepping for a hope you are doing good. Stay in touch, and forgive me if I am not great on this site, still figuring it
    July 2013
  • AlizaMLS
    Hi SueRae,

    I'm happy that you answered my post. I've received a number of responses and I'm hoping for more. a few women are from Bayside, Queens, someone's from Long Island and I'm from Marine Park, Brooklyn. My immediate thought would be to meet in Manhattan near Penn Station because the folks from LI, and Bayside can get to Penn via the LIRR. I think that makes the most sense. But I think it would a good idea to continue this conversation on my personal email which is Look forward to chatting.

    Warm wishes,
    July 2013
  • AlizaMLS

    My email is aliciaphillips1724@gmaildotcom
    July 2013
  • Cellkiller
    Hope all my friends following me had a glorious and safe holiday weekend.Lets start to kick some cancer butt in the coming months.
    Blessings. Cellkiller
    July 2013
  • dkldeb
    god bless you girl
    July 2013
  • meyati
    Thanks-they have some interesting hats. I'm mad that a ball cap doesn't work anymore-I have a nice collection of them from Southwest trading posts-and the military boonie doesn't come close to having enough shadow. I know, I need to grow up. I didn't know about the relative posting until after the day was over. I sort of expected something like that from her. On your hat link-I like that almost everyone has a tie for wind-as he have lots of that and they're usually crushable- Crushable suits me fine. I always toss things or drop them on the floor.
    July 2013
  • Julitina
    SueRae 1, thank you for responding to my question. I am very thankful for the support and "hugs". I am trusting God, believing for many good days ahead. I have great peace in all of this , I am thankful for each day. It gives me greater compassion for any suffering with any illnesses. I will be praying for you, I believe knowing the Love and comfort from God brings such peace. I pray you know that you are loved by God! With all the "goodwill" you have you must be focusing your attention on helping others. I am encouraged by this example. I know it is better to help and encourage others than to focus on any problem, especially one that has such an unknown outcome.
    Better to take care of God's business, (loving others), and let Him take care of mine...
    You are so appreciated,
    Thank you, I'll be praying for you,
    July 2013
  • Cellkiller
    Happy 4th of July to all my new friends on What's Next.
    I hope that we all can become independent of cancer in the coming months. Blessings Cellkiller.
    July 2013
  • iveysmemaw
    Hey Sue I saw that you have two more weeks break from Chemo ... how are you doing otherwise?
    July 2013
  • ayberry
    Thank you for the sweet welcome! I look forward to connecting with others.
    July 2013
  • Cellkiller
    I'm blown away 13,881 good will points. God bless you. Do you know the amount of people you have you have touched? All this in 10 months. How did you do it? Blessings Cellkiller
    July 2013
  • judith1954
    I told my husband I was going to remain positive about this and I have.My daughter who is 34 had a rare cancer in June called Leiomyosarcoma.It is very rare and a soft tissue cancer.She just got done with 35 radiation treatments.The tumor was in the roof of her mouth looked like a cauliflower flowerette. Told her to go to Dr. asap. She did.She is a Vet so they took care of it.Had surgery in Jan. of this year and has a cadaver palate.Then a month ago had thrush, bacterial infection and two or three other things.Then all of a sudden I go for my mammogram and it comes back abnormal.So I know pretty much about radiation.Not good side effects!My daughter was tired all the time also.But you have had so many things go wrong...I feel so bad for you.You have to be a tough person to go thru h*ll and back.
    July 2013
  • judith1954
    SueRae1--Just starting my journey with cancer.Surgery was last Tuesday(lumpectomy)Now its chemo/radiation.I am so sorry you have gone thru this for the past 4 years. As an RN, I formerly worked for Hospice and it was such a reward just holding a hand could comfort one. I wish you nothing but the best..
    July 2013
  • Lisa927
    Hi there, just diagnosed with endometrial serous carcinoma...getting ready to meet with oncologists and schedule for full hysterecomy/surgery and removal dissection of lymph dad passed from hodgkins lymphoma at age 65. I won't be 60 until Sept. this year...hope all is going well with your treatment, God Bless and keep up the good fight..I plan on fighting as hard as I can too.
    June 2013
  • Lindy
    I am thankful for your current stable report, I wish you joy and love in this moment.
    June 2013
  • zoe
    Fantastic ! Enjoy your time off.
    June 2013
  • zoe
    Fantastic ! Enjoy your time off.
    June 2013
  • zoe
    ThanksSueRae1. ct not until July 25th. I'll post the results.Felt the vibes...thanks !!!
    June 2013
  • iveysmemaw
    Sue you brightened my day today had a little moment but am over it since signing in and reading your post and several others postings back to me .... Love and hugs to you as well.
    June 2013
  • Iodine
    Thanks so much for your answer and you're right! I have to try and just keep a distance from the things I don't want to hear! Love my family anyway but need positive stuff now! Good luck to you my dear!
    June 2013
  • MrClean
    I'm sorry for your troubles and my thoughts and prayers are with you. I've been a sixteen year volunteer at the Bloch Cancer Hotline and we have a database of survivors that includes every type of cancer and we match people all the time. I've taken advantage of everything I could think of for the last 35 years and have been able to survive a 1978 and 1998 brain tumor.
    June 2013
  • allier4
    I saw where you had problems with the steroids keeping you awake. I have that same issue. I get my infusions on Tuesday, wear my pump until Thursday and sleep most of that day. I think I may ask my oncologist for something low-level as well.
    June 2013
  • Ydnar2xer
    I thought they were the same as garbanzos. I hate hummus (must be the only one around here who does; it's big here!), but can tolerate them in 3-bean salad. BTW, how're ya doing? Is that a new photo? You are looking GOOD!
    June 2013
  • susan4me
    I read in the cancer book what ever stage you where when you was diagnosed thats what stage you would be when it recurs it doesnt make sense to me when you had recurrences was it the same stage
    June 2013
  • acalltofaith

    I hope you are doing well. Just wondering if you have had a chance to read my story, A Call to Faith, yet. I was hoping it would be something cancer patients could resonate with as well as give some hope and inspiration. Peace.
    May 2013
  • BobbyG
    Happy Saturday Sue Rae, Hope you are in good spirits today. I am trying. It will rain throughout my weekend and into next week. I have a lot of good family support and friends I can turn to.
    May 2013
  • Bug
    Hi, SueRae1. I am catching up on some digests and noticed that you said you had some scans recently and they showed things are stable. I just wanted to say that I'm so glad to read that. : )
    May 2013
  • Bug
    Hi, SueRae1. I am catching up on some digests and noticed that you had said some scans you had recently showed things are stable. I just wanted to say that I'm so glad to read that. : )
    May 2013