I just had a radical hysterectomy, please read my posts, they're all about it. It's easy if you do the post-op right, diet and the pills and all. No worries, just look at it carefully! Skip the philosophy if you like and just look at the science and diet and what actually happened.
All will be well if you smile and say "get it all out of me! Intact! Vaginally, and if it doesn't fit, any other way you can...but intact, tubes, ovaries, etc, as much as you need to take, so you don't have to go back in later!"
Ask me every little thing you want to, I'm ok to get the gory details without a problem at all...Today I try driving a car for the first time post-op
I'm going to take the "long route with all the lights," to avoid any possible braking or real acceleration.
Easy does it, I'm a drama queen who likes to take my time and do it right, let people get me things, and hates pain pills, so I figured how not to take very many by making myself very very comfy. It made it easy.
and my intake of pills was a little at a time on a consistent basis, and I didn't need them very long, it was the fast track to getting better.