

  • LMM
    Monday are the scans. I won't be able to sit down with doc until April 2 to hear what he has to say. Anxiety running high.
    March 2014
  • LMM
    Liz, scrolling on your page and want to thank you for posting such powerful posters of encouragement.
    February 2014
  • LMM
    Needed to see your posters again today. CT scan on Monday did not come back good. More test have been ordered to get better look at whatever they saw. Apparently, a Pet-Ct scan can show more than just ct scan. Doc had been ordering those all along, I don't understand why he didn't order that in the first place. Being that I am a stage IV, you think he'd be on the look out all over the body rather in just certain spots. Sometimes I wonder if they really know what in the heck they are doing. Colonoscopy came back clear so that was one positive.
    March 2014
  • geekling
    Hi liznparadise. I read your note about Metamusil. It contains psyllium which makes one go. If you want firmer stool, may I suggest that you try another way. Best wishes.
    August 2013
  • banditwalker
    What a great, inspirational video. I just learned that my Bandit has lymphoma. He was 5 when we got him from the shelter and shortly after, we realized he was a special needs dog. Hip displasia, skin allergies, immune problems, etc... Have had him for 2 1/2 yrs now and he has become my shadow and my light. I am going to miss him very much.
    September 2013
  • LMM
    Liz, I have questions that I do not want to post here. I asked Greg to send you my email address. Did you receive it? Lisa
    July 2013
  • LMM
    Liz, I tried to email you because I have more questions that I don't want to post here because they are personal for both of us. How do I go about getting your current email because the one I had is not correct according to email service.
    July 2013
  • LMM
    Liz, did you have radiation?
    July 2013
  • Jodi
    Hi. I read your post. Just checking in to see how you are doing. I just passed my one year diagnosis "anniversary" and I believe the same is true for you. How often are you having to see your oncologist or rectal doctor? I was going every 3 months but they moved me to 6 months.
    January 2013
  • LMM
    Hi Liz,
    I sent you an email yesterday, but it was returned to me. It stated unable to deliver due to no email account for you. That is strange. Maybe I typed in the wrong spelling. I will try again.
    January 2013
  • LMM
    Liznparadise, I just read your story. I was told I have cancer on Dec, 19th. I believe it is in my rectum cuz my primary doc stuck her finger in there back in Oct. and said no worries it's an internal hemmroid, take these suppositories and come back in a month. Well, suppositories weren't working. Tried to see my doc but she was booked went to doc on call. He listened to my story didn't examine me, referred me to sig clinic for a test similar to colonoscopy. And that's when doc saw it with the camera. Next week they have me scheduled for petcan on Monday, Oncologist Thursday and colonoscopy and ultra sound on Friday. Did you have to have all these test also? Did you have to have chemo and radiation prior to surgery? If so, did you have the strength to work during treatment? I actually was able to see a general surgeon the day after my sigcoscopy he examined me with his fingers and said I would have to have chemo and radiation prior to surgery where he will remove my rectum. Have you heard of the j-pouch procedure? Sorry for all the questions. I am worried, just wondering how long has that thing been growing inside me and where else might it be, which stage is it in etc... I am glad to read that you are doing well. Best wishes Lisa.
    January 2013
  • CarolLHRN
    You asked a great question. Thank you for putting out there a question that so many of us are thinking about.
    December 2012
  • Kitsaplakegirl
    Hi Liz,I too had a clean scan, well except for a tiny little bright spot-which The Evil Dr.Tran explained was residual scar tissue from blastinf the tumor(stage 3a).No Evidence Of Disease MY Ass! I was getting stronger by the day, but less than 60 days later I noticed I was again,taking a busy basket in the loo with me. I was spending too much time in there-doing nothing,then I noticed that heavy,thickening,insidious pain that wouldn't go away,only increasing in intensity.The Evil Doctor thought I was nuits when I sat my sore as down in her wait room and wouldn't leave without some sort of exam,lets face it-no one does that for fun. Evil doc says she's sorry she cannot comfort me the way I seem to need.Wow,I about lost it! I told her in case she didn't know- that SHE was the Last person I would seek out for comfort! Long story,still long. New tumor, major surgery that 2yrs out I still don't know exactly what parts I have or not!Uterus? Don't rightly know. Anus,sphinctor,old vagina,lower intestine,all gone. My Oncolohist also told me this was a highly curable cancer using recent protocols-those docs all reading from the same newsletter or what? Both my Doc's since have moved away.have a and in the last few days have gone on medicaire. Another crock.Seems like noone will just answer a simple question! And I feel like I have to educate my Doc and even the nurse that handles my port has very little knowledge of Ostomy concerns. I am literally on my last pouch,at my wits end and in danger of seriously losing it emotionally! Me,selfishly venting. Don't get me wrong,I am outrageously happy that I am alive!
    November 2012
  • critterbug192
    Congrats on your good news! Our journey's are very similar and I too got a clear PET scan (3/12) and a clean scope (7/12) and go back for another scope in 1/13. I am glad to see that I am not the only one that is having the stiffness in the hips as mine drive me nuts some days. I go see a surgeon next week in hopes of having my port taken out which will be a relief as when they put it in it was near my armpit on the right side and it is hitting a nerve in my shoulder. I guess that is a small price to pay to have my life back though. Thanks again for sharing.
    October 2012