

  • MMarie
    Thank you for sharing your journey. You have good expression and emotion in your writing. You are fortunate to have a family. I have so many wonderful people that care, but no family. Blessings on your day.
    March 2014
  • MissAprilla
    Thank you so much for your insight.
    February 2014
  • cris
    Can I ask you what is a skin brush? you said you use this to massage your arm, I would like to try it. Can I purchase that at any store? thanks in advance cris
    December 2013
  • helentran
    I am newly diagnosed with ILC and just now read about your journey. How are you doing at this point? Take care
    January 2014
  • Astrealaw
    Hello, I am 51 just diagnosed with LCIS, had wide excision biopsy... have you been able to find anyone else on these boards that are just lcis or high risk?
    December 2013
  • Gabba
    Just read your daughter's Do have an amazing daughter!
    September 2013
  • papayagirl
    Hi Jenny and Smishik, I too have lymphedema, the result my lack of attention and a careless nurse taking my blood pressure. My Dr didn't think it was any big deal and that made me feel worse. It was devastating. The thought of having this ailment forever is so hard to bear. Even after a year, I can't seem to accept it. I'm embarrassed to say I have not kept up with the exercises, although I have been better about the sleeve and gauntlet. I haven't noticed any problems, though I think I have a little swelling. I think it is time to see my therapist again. I dread beginning the exercises again.
    I'm sorry to write such a negative post but these are my honest feelings and, if there is anywhere I can be truthful, it is on this blog.
    I honor and admire your faithfulness and self-care. Any tips on how you have overcome your resistance to the exercises would be greatly appreciated. I send you both love and support.
    September 2013
  • smishik
    Hi Jennymiller, I also have lymphedema and haven't found anyone else on here who does. It is good to know I am not the only one.
    August 2013
  • carolanne
    I love that you posted our picture together at Relay. Thank you again for going, I know it was hard for you, but you have been my rock through my battle and it was great to have you there by my side. Love you my friend.
    July 2013
  • LeslieJC
    I loved your answer to did cancer change you, and if so, how.....that's what happened to me to a tee:):):)
    June 2013
  • Missvampyr
    Hi Jenny,

    First of all congrats on being married for 50 yrs thats just the sweetest thing in the world that your hubby took his marriage vows to heart :) Now let me saw that the pic below of your granddaughter is just beautiful and the church is gorgeous :) I have a strong faith in GOD and I know that he is always with me and that I am not alone. My dad told me this long ago in the gardens at the hospital before my open heart surgery. Its just so hard to get past the ugly scars that have now replaced where I once had a breast. As far as I know the scar is healing up very nicely. I haven't wanted to look but the surgeon is very happy and even surprised at how nicely given the fact that I have diabetes, use and insulin pump and had radiation 13 yrs ago. I know that if its GOD's will then there is a man out there that will look past the hiddeous scars on my chest but in the meantime I am trying my best to not dwell on what the landscape on my chest looks like but rather just healing and getting back to my life. I kinda sorta did that already. I was released from the hospital at 9 am and was home by 10:30 am and by 10:45 was walking my dog for 1 1/2 hrs that very day and never missed a beat. Right now my dog is what keeps me going, he needs me to care for him, walk, feed and most importantly love him. GOD blessed me with my furbaby thats for sure. I bought him from a breeder online, I saw his baby pic and just knew right away he was my furbaby. I emailed the breeder to inquire about him and the breeder agreed to allow me to send the check to pay for him in 2 wks time so my furbaby was considered "sold" as soon as I emailed the breeder. I know that it was GOD opening the door for me to get my furbaby and I never forget that. Your encouraging words help me so much and I wanted to just say thank you :) You give me hope that there is a future for me and that there is someone out there who can and will look past the scars on my body and just want to know me for me and not my body. So again thank you so much.
    June 2013
  • peachpoppy
    Hey JennyMiller,
    I just read a thread about taking claritin before neulesta shots to decrease bone pain. When and how much claritin did you take? I plan to talk to the dr about it too, but won't see them for 2 weeks since I just got my 1st chemo yesterday.

    Thanks, and great picture you have posted!
    June 2013
  • WendyLew
    Hi Jenny! saw your post on celebrating after chemo and wanted to respond... sounds like you had a wonderful time! I grew up in upstate NY and now live in Michigan so I am familiar with some of your destinations and activities!! I just finished chemo April 25th and had a clear CT scan so I am set to start celebratin! Going to NY to visit for family reunion in July and I'm sure the fireworks will be twice a beautiful this year! God Bless!
    June 2013
  • LindaJD
    Hi Jenny, You mentioned that you lived near Syracuse. I'm south of Rochester, in Honeoye Falls, NY
    June 2013
  • Bug
    Happy, Happy Birthday to you, Jenny. And congrats on the scan results! That is so wonderful to hear. : )
    May 2013
  • Gabba
    Congratulations on being a WhatNexter Of The Week...your story was beautifully written and I hope you continue to do well. God bless!
    April 2013
  • KimG
    Dearest Jenny, thank you for your understanding and support, it really really means a lot. You are 100% correct. The only ones who came to visit while I was in treatment was my nephew in law and his now wife. They are really sweet. They came for New Years and for the Superbowl I think it was. My next door neighbor Jenny came by once or twice and took my son out with her kids for a walk to which I said "are you sure"?.My son is in Special Education very high functioning autism, PDD, ADHD, sensory disorders but anyway there is a very funny story about this walk. We really never had Ryan too far from us and he didn't have many friends. Since, he is a little older and has been mainstreamed but with Special Ed.(Not sure if that was a good decision)it has gotten a little better but I think I should have let him stay at the Special Needs school. They dealt better with the behavioral issues and he had more homework back then. Any way against my better judgement I let her take Ryan on an innocent walk around the block-or so I thought. Poor Jenny, she had her 3 under 4 at the time and Ryan. Well Ryan used to be very physical and always trying to entertain. So as they were making their way around the block Ryan was trying to be funny and twirling and falling and at the end of one of the twirls he banged up against a car in a driveway. Well the car alarm went off and a guy came running out-she handled it very well saying it was an accident. I did warn her though. It didn't stop her from letting Ryan come around. He was about 10 at the time. What a good friend. She always has been, she has prayed with me and we have just done a lot of hanging together and always emailing. Ryan and I also started attending their church. A real Joy! A funny story though. kimg09

    January 2013
  • Kimhoughton
    I am new to this site and my experience is very similar to yours. I am ahead of you in treatment though. Done with chemo and radiation for my stage 3 lobular breast cancer. I also had lymph node involvement and would love to read the forum and positive stories. How do I find them? I am one year out, my hair is growing back and my energy has returned. Keeping active during treatment is crucial. I worked full time and I feel this kept my spirits up as well as my energy levels.
    February 2013
  • SusanK
    Hi, Jenny. I often see your posts and think you and I are quite a bit alike. Your words always seem to match what I'm thinking. Thanks for your always positive words for our fellow cancer fighters and your advice to be aggressive in this battle.
    January 2013
  • Nancebeth
    Hi Jenny. Thank you for sharing your story. Since I have no immediate family and I am not very close with my small extended family, I was so lucky to have the support of my "inner circle" of friends. I did feel truly alone, as no one could understand what I was going through. I managed to get through it and was pronounced with NED in September 2012. I plan to live a long and happy cancer free life :-)
    I wish you the best.
    January 2013
  • Joy535
    I loved your answer about what friends and family can do to support cancer patients. You write very well, and have expressed things that are very difficult for cancer patients to verbalize. Thank You! You are not alone...
    November 2012
  • zappons
    Hi thanks so much for your input. I wish you well. :)
    November 2012
  • GGP
    Great pictures Jenny! Thanks for posting.

    Greg P
    3x Survivor
    Team WhatNext
    Community Mgr.
    November 2012