
  • Judt1940
    How does it feel not to have radiation daily? 5days a Week for 5 weeks? Internal or external ? I have a Son in another state that refuses to engage me about the cancer or treatments. I know my Daughter keeps him informed but it's like if he ignores it it doesn't exist. Have a wonderful Christmas and Blessings for the New Year.
    December 2013
  • Judt1940
    Are your feet any better since off chemo? Feet are making me miserable. Longer chemo goes the worse it gets.
    December 2013
  • Lcarnold
    Looks like you are the closest to me in california. I will have some questions later.
    December 2013
  • dmholt1957
    It is an eye opener to hear that you have cancer. A lot of people don't comprehend exactly what you go thru because it isn't happening to them and they aren't always around to see first hand. I know a lot of men don't stop and think about all that we are going thru and I don't think they do it on purpose, they are just men and I am not knocking men either. I have a wonderful husband and he had been my rock! He takes such good care of me and I don't know what I would have done without him. My kids have been there when possible but they have their own family and life to deal with. Try to be patient with your husband and just keep reminding him if necessary that you need some assistance now and that you can't handle all that you used to. If they can't understand that then they are the ones that have a problem. I pray that your journey will not be too hard on you. God bless and Merry Christmas!
    December 2013
  • Bug
    Bug HOBO
    Hi, HOBO. I just wanted to mention that I can really appreciate your response to HearMeRoar's post about being Nervous Nelly. I, too, am a nut case and have a huge phobia over anything invasive - well, just over medical stuff in general. I take valium for root canals, breast MRIs, etc. If I could take one for a gynecological exam I would but I go by myself and have to drive afterwards so I don't. Ugh. I guess some of us are just like that.
    December 2013
  • zoe
    zoe HOBO
    Hi Jane, thinking of you but so tired my eyes are crossing ! Get back to you tomorrow. Zoe
    December 2013
  • zoe
    zoe HOBO
    Hi Jane, I'm so sorry that you have to go through all of this. When I hear stories like yours and so many others, I realize how lucky I am to not be in pain and still able to live a normal life. I'm one of the lucky ones, so far.Right now my big problem is being depressed,angry and so sad. Sometimes I think "wait a minute,I have pancreatic cancer ? Are you kidding me? ME? " It all seems like a bad dream. We all feel that way, I'm sure. It just won't sink in. I wish you the very best,Jane, you know you are always in my prayers. Zoe
    December 2013
  • zoe
    zoe HOBO
    Hi Jane, that's too bad about putting off your scan, waiting is so awful. From what I've heard, gout is really horrible,I'm so sorry, on top of everything else, you have to go through this. I haven't been on here lately, just can't get out of this depression. Normally I am a pretty upbeat person, so this is new to me. I think the holidays are making it worse. I start chemo on Wednesday( here we go again ). My poor husband, I take everything out on him. Good luck with all you are facing, I keep you in my prayers. Zoe
    December 2013
  • zoe
    zoe HOBO
    Thinking of you,Jane, and wishing you good luck tomorrow with your CT. Zoe
    December 2013
  • overheated
    Thanks for you answer. I to have often wondered if dying wouldn't have been better. The treatment HAS wrecked my entire body. I have been unable to work since 2011. So many pills to take every day.

    I pray things get better for you!
    November 2013
  • ladyc
    Thanks for your answer..I too have never been sick before this... Good to here the port is not bad... seems everyone is saying that.
    November 2013
  • MaryEdythe
    I will also be thinking of you on the 3rd. Had a few bad weeks. Very sorry I have been absent.
    November 2013
  • zoe
    zoe HOBO
    Thanks Jane, I'll be thinking of you on the 3rd. Good luck. Please let us know your results.... you're in my prayers. Nice being in the same boat as you !!! Zoe
    November 2013
  • Judt1940
    Serous uterine stage 2. Dr. Said vaginal cuff is place I would show. Internal before every chemo. Asked why. Just had 3rd chemo. Said you could tell if changing. I had no idea could move that fast.
    November 2013
  • weighmaster
    Hi there. I to am from Seattle. It is always beautiful here. Even when the days are grey and rainy. Hope you are having a good day
    November 2013
  • KarenRH
    Hope you're having a decent day. I'm thinking this may be a decent day. The taxol has gotten to my nerves, numbness in my fingers and toes. The RN told me to start B6 at 100mg two times a day, supposed to help with the neuropathy. As soon as I can trust my stomach to handle it, I'm going to try.
    October 2013
  • cloverlady4
    Thank you for your response to cumulative chemo question
    October 2013
  • MaryEdythe
    Thank you for thinking of me. This one, my second surgery, had its "moments" and "aftermath." I am ok now, injecting 3 meds 3 times per day and taking 18 more by mouth but I'm ok. HRU?
    September 2013
  • cam32505
    I had uterine cancer. My doctor ordered surgery, 3 chemo, radiation, 3 chemo. I asked if that was to give me a break from chemo, but he said no it's just more effective that way. Maybe, they can continue chemo after your radiation. For me, the radiation was horrible (severe diarrhia) for 4/6 weeks of treatment, which continued for several weeks after radiation stopped. By then, I was miserable and back on chemo. None of it's pleasant, but it sure makes surgery look like a piece of cake!
    September 2013
  • MaryEdythe
    My second surgery is 9/23. Prayers from Seattle.
    September 2013
  • Joachima
    Hello HOBO ... very nice to meet you here on WhatNext.
    September 2013
  • BuckeyeShelby
    Hi hobo. Welcome to What Next. As you've already seen, there are a lot of great people here. I'm glad you found us but sorry for the circumstances that led you here. Wishing you the best
    September 2013
  • DaveWaz

    Welcome to the WhatNext family! The WhatNext family is made up of people like you who are looking for help or looking to help others. To help you along your journey the WhatNext family has put together a Beginner's Guide to Cancer that I highly recommend you check-out here: http://bit.ly/10BQKCi. Also, please do not hesitate to reach out to others or ask for help.

    Wishing you the best.

    Founder, WhatNexter
    June 2013
  • Estherj
    The side effect that gives me the most trouble is the pain in my legs. My Dr. has given me some pain med. for nerve pain. He says Taxol causes this in a few patients. The nausea meds are great. The Dr. and his staff are so kind and helpful. I have my 5th treatment next week. I'm sure the next week will not be easy but they are only a phone call away.

    September 2013