

  • karen80
    Hi Gizzy04, hope you are doing better. My husband also had stage IV pancreatic cancer, his has spread to the liver. He has found solace in his faith & is also blessed with a wonderful family. He is feeling good now & is living his life one day at a time & enjoying everyday.
    September 2013
  • music
    Hello Gizzy04, How are you doing?
    August 2013
  • country
    Stay Strong
    June 2013
  • Valarie
    I hope you are hanging in there!! :)
    June 2013
  • Blue-21891
    A recent Pet Scan showed microscopic lung nodules. Hoping that this is not the spread of the original pancreatic cancer removed by Whipple five months ago. Nodules could be scar tissue from an infection. They are too small to biopsy. Anyone had a similar experience?
    June 2013
  • Kristinaako
    Hey there! I live in Indianapolis indiana and lost a man that I loved to pancreatic cancer January 9, 2013.
    You can call me if you like.
    May 2013
  • music
    Hello Gizzy04,

    We are waiting for a scan this week. It will decide the next step for my husband. Thank you for asking.

    It is very difficult to deal with such a big thing, but you are not alone. Keep fighting! You have your parents and children. Your hair will grow again when you will finish chemo.
    As your family said, you didn't take this flight because it was fun.
    We are all here against our will !!! (family, friends, caregivers and patients).
    We must do our best to get a parachute and survive or at least try to have a soft landing.
    Even if sometimes you feel like a burden, this gives your parents and children the chance to show you their love.
    Take care and keep us informed.
    June 2013
  • music
    Hello Gizzy04, How are you doing? Is your treatment working? My husband (77) is stage IV too, diagnosed 5 months ago. My best wishes to you.
    May 2013
  • Beeps
    Hi Gizzy- so sorry to hear about your situation. I also have pancreatic cancer, stage IV mets to both liver lobes- diagnosed Feb '12.... However, I have the other kind- neuro endocrine. Sad to say I don't have surgical options... But mine is the slower grower... Regardless of what kind of cancer- all of it is scary and difficult! You absolutely are not at all alone! Just to look at me, no one would have any idea what I've got going on. I look healthy? That can sometimes feel like its own can of worms! Folks tend to think all is well etc...
    I don't know if you are a person of faith, but if you are... Lean fully into the very depths of that faith! Allow it to carry you through the hardest of days and every other day too!
    Cancer is not easy! Regardless of your outcomes... Live each day as fully as possible. It helps me to be very intentional about counting my blessings and acknowledging all of the good things in my life, a sunny day, the colors of the flowers, a bird's song and etc.... Very best wishes for your journey
    May 2013
  • ElaineW
    Gizzy, I am a caregiver for my husband, stage 4 Adenocarcinoma, Pancreatic Cancer. I know it's different for me, but I share your sadness and depression. I have been on the PanCan web site reading survivor stories daily, and have found them to be very inspirational. It is comforting for me to know that we are not alone-that there are others who have felt the shock of this diagnosis, and who are FIGHTING and have not given up hope! Sometimes it's a fight just to get through the sadness, but we all have a well of inner strength that is ready to be unleashed. I allow myself some time each day to feel the pain, and then do my best to keep myself busy either figuring out ways to fight this disease or handling daily life. Prayers to you...
    May 2013
  • JMS
    Gizzy04 - where do you live? I'm in the Washington DC area, was diagnosed with Stage II pancreatic cancer in April 2012, but following a metastisis identified in March 2013, I'm now a Stage IV also. I had the Whipple and have since completed 2 rounds of chemo (with Gemzar), one round of radiation/chemo combination, then following a problem that arose during my first post-treatment scan, I've now had cyber-knife radiation to knock out the tumor that had developed in my sacrum bone. I'm more than happy to respond to any questions you might have - if any of what I've been through seems relevant to your case. Best regards, JMS
    May 2013
  • DeanaBeana
    Hi and welcome to the site!
    May 2013
  • janabel681
    Gizzy04 I was diagnosed with adenocarcinoma, pancreatic cancer stage IV Dec. 2011. I was told at that time that I had 6 months to 1 year. I was able to get into M.D. Anderson in Houston,TX. The tumor is ON the pancrease, not IN the pancrease.
    I was told that they never operated on the tumors that have spread from the tumor on the pancrease. Sept, 2012, I had lapascopic surgery to remove the two tumors on the left side of my abdomin. One was completely dead and the other was 1% viable.
    I have been in chemo since Feb 2012. Chemo was stopped 2 months before the surgery and started up again after the surgery. I started out on Gemzar, once a week IV and Tarceva daily orally. After the surgery chemo consisted of Gemzar and Cisplatin IV every other week and the Tarceva daily. At this point, the tumor on the pancrease is just a shadow.
    Right now I have been off all chemo for one month. I go back to Houston the end of May and they will decide then if I will go back on chemo and/or do radiation.
    Please let me know if I can answer any question or be of any other help.
    May 2013
  • katiecb
    Hello, my mother was diagnosed with stage 4 pancreatic cancer in October of 2012. She is currently going through chemo. If you want information on what she did or options out there, or just need someone to talk to, myself and others on this site are great. I joined the site for support and felt very welcomed! I'm sorry to hear of your diagnosis, but there are treatments available.
    May 2013
  • FreeBird
    Welcome to gizzy04, and best wishes to you. My dad was diagnosed with the same thing last year.
    May 2013
  • GregP_WN
    Please feel free to join in the conversations. Here is a link to our cancer dx page for your type of cancer. Take a look at it to get you started on some information. You will notice at the bottom of that page 4 of our active users who have had that journey already, you may wish to contact them for their experience and wisdom. Also, I encourage you to go to the questions page now by clicking on the questions tab at the top of the page and post what is the most pressing issue you have right now. This will introduce you to the community and get you started on the help you need right now.

    There are also subtypes listed on this page to narrow down the type of cancer to match your dx.

    You may also find our "Beginner's Guide To Cancer" page helpful Click Here for that=>

    Also, if you can take a few minutes and fill in some details of your journey so far, it will help others as they try to answer questions for you, it also helps others as they search through the data base to find someone like themselves. Confirming your email will allow you to receive updates and notices from the site when someone answers your questions or writes on your wall.

    Thanks for being with us and let me know if I can help you find any information on the site. After you have an opportunity to look the site over and see what great things there are here, we encourage you to invite your friends, family or anyone you know that may be helped by the connections on WhatNext to join the site also. Just click this link to invite them to join.

    Greg P
    3x Survivor
    Team WhatNext
    Community Mgr.
    May 2013
  • GregP_WN
    Hi Gizzy, we are happy to have you with us, but sorry for why your here. There are lot's of people here in a similar situation. If you have a question just post it on the questions board and lots will have some help for you. Please let me know if I can help with anything around the site.

    Greg P
    3X Survivor
    Team WhatNext
    Community Mgr.
    May 2013
  • DaveWaz

    Welcome to the WhatNext family! The WhatNext family is made up of people like you who are looking for help or looking to help others. To help you along your journey the WhatNext family has put together a Beginner's Guide to Cancer that I highly recommend you check-out here: Also, please do not hesitate to reach out to others or ask for help.

    Wishing you the best.

    Founder, WhatNexter
    May 2013