

  • gwendolyn
    FreeBird, I'm very sorry to learn of the loss of your father. It seems that the two of you had a wonderful mutual appreciation for each other during this difficult year. I hope you are able to find peace to soften your sadness. Take care, Gwendolyn
    June 2013
  • LUBI
    A big hug for you, Freebird, and my condolences for the loss of your father.
    You and your family will be in my prayes ♥
    June 2013
  • Kats
    So sorry to hear about your loss. I am so glad that you were able to have some time with him at the end. God bless
    June 2013
  • cris
    I am so sorry for your loss, prayers for you and your family god bless..
    June 2013
  • BoiseB
    I am sorry for your loss. Know it was not in vain. Many here have benefitted by your posts.
    My prayers are for your family and you.
    June 2013
  • BuckeyeShelby
    I'm so very sorry for your loss. Please know that my thoughts are w/you and your family. Thanks so much for sharing your dad's journey (and yours) with us.
    June 2013
  • MrsBCW
    My deepest sympathies go out to you and your family.
    June 2013
  • abrub
    May his memory be a blessing.
    June 2013
  • po18guy
    Eternal rest grant unto him, O Lord, and let Your perpetual light shine upon him. May his soul, and the souls of all the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. In Your mercy, grant consolation unto his loved ones in this, their time of sorrow. Amen.
    June 2013
  • Joachima
    So very sorry, FreeBird ... praying for comfort, peace & strength for you in the days and weeks ahead.
    June 2013
  • lilnursey
    so sorry to here of yours loss my thoughts are with you
    June 2013
  • Gabba
    Dear FreeBird, so sorry for your loss...I will say a prayer for both of you. God bless!
    June 2013
  • Journey
    So sorry for your loss. May the memories of you father stay with you in your heart forever. You have been a wonderful caregiver to him and also to the WhatNext community. Thank you for being so caring.
    June 2013
  • Memmie
    So sorry to hear about the loss of your father you are in my prayers hugs
    June 2013
  • music
    You gave all your love, time and energy to your Dad and you still had time to share all your painful knowledge with all of us. I just got this sad news because we are in the hospital since Friday. My husband has a very bad infection. We don't know the origin yet. Take care FreeBird, you are in our prayers.
    June 2013
  • Blue-21891
    Dear Freebird, My condolences to you and your family for the loss of your father. How fortunate he was to have a caring son like you were to him. May you be blessed with many warm memories of the time you shared with him, and I appreciate the time you have also shared with us at WhatNext.
    June 2013
  • WendyLew
    You have been such a blessing to your father, family and others, caring and sharing yourself... God Bless you... we'll be praying for comfort for all who are impacted by the loss of your father.
    June 2013
  • derbygirl
    My condolences to you and your family on the loss of your father. He was a very lucky man to have you there to help take care of him when he needed you the most. You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers. Take care.
    June 2013
  • country
    God Bless you and so sorry for your loss
    June 2013
  • Bug
    FreeBird, I'm so sorry about the loss of your father. I'm glad you had each other. Bless you both.
    June 2013
  • jdcarolina
    So sorry to hear of your loss freebird. Special thoughts to you today.
    June 2013
  • ticklingcancer
    So sorry to hear about your Dad Freebird. He was lucky to have such a caring person to take care of him. With all the sadness I know there is happiness that the fight is finally over.
    June 2013
  • SueRae1
    My condolences of the loss of your father. May his memory be a blessing and help comfort and heal you. Virtual hugs.
    June 2013
  • GypsyJule
    I'm so sorry about the loss of your father. I imagine that having you there, holding his hand, gave him great peace in his passing.
    June 2013
  • CAS1
    Hi Freebird,

    These questions with LC are getting crazier by the day. I question the reality.
    June 2013
  • vickyj
    New here, sorry to be here but so glad I have found this site.I am in Largo ,caring for my mom. Only symptoms right now is extreme fatigue. Praying for you and yours.
    June 2013
  • Zzchap
    New to this....not sure how I stumbled on this wall.....desperate for husband was diagnosed with mastatic (sp) neck cancer with unknown primary. He has load of lymph nodes in his neck and clavicle area as well as on the hilum. He has had a round of chemo which made the nodes on the hilum on the bronchioles, not "light" up. Then he had another round of chemo with radiation that ended April 4th. He developed a severe respiratory infection and ended up in hospital for a week. Was told pneumonia .....then told it wasn't. Seen by 3 pulmonologists no answers....he was released and no better than when he went in. Severe coughing 24/7 over a quart of phlegm per day. Color varies from yellowish green in the am to clear or frothy in the pm. History of asbestosis but now I think the cancer has spread and this is our issue. The pulmonary doc saw something suspicious on the ct scan. Our oncologist at Moffitt does not want to see him, said it is not cancer related or treatment related. Our primary has no clue how to help. He just keeps or ding meds that do absolutely nothing. I'm at a loss.....has a pulmonary appt on the 12th also trying to get him into the Mayo clinic....should hear mid week. How do I help the cough? He is so weak...he literally falls over sideways on the sofa as he can't catch his breath and is out of energy from the cough. He is taking Musinex, and Tussinex as 10mg prednisone daily. Sorry for the's either ramble or cry....any suggestions would be appreciated!
    June 2013
  • Risa
    Hi Free Bird,
    Thanks for your immediate response.
    May 2013
  • NeeNee
    Would it be alright if i quote the comment you made on dealing with the daignosis of terminal cancer, I loved your philosophy on this subject and would like to share it with my fellow Lung cancer survivors on Inspire.
    May 2013
  • country
    Hello Freebird,
    No the numbers are just like they are posted which I guess is not the norm, but
    he did have metasasis to the liver during the first increase on Gemzar ,numbers were 8 and elevated to 45 in2 months and now on folfox and numbers went down
    to 11 and now at 15 in 2 weeks. Scared because of the initial experience, I guess there is nothing more for chemo to give after this, What do you see?
    Thank-you for the info
    May 2013