Side Effects | Pain
Member Posts: 1
I had R-CHOP for DLBCL and finished in early jan of 2020. I was NED after 4 treatments but my doctor wanted me to have the full 6. I had hit an inguinal lympth node with the corner of a large table I was moving, I hit it hard and thought I had seriously injuured myself. I felt the area for several days and comapred to the other side and felt no difference. I was 2a and my enlarged inguinal node was found a few week. Whether the injury caused it - or simply caused it to be noticable, I don't know. I had some mild arthritis before, but now it is severe in my hips, knees and some in my lower back. I have read enough here to know it is not unusual and is not likely going away. I am currently having intensive PT which has helped. I never had noticiable issues with Chemo, but I sat a lot - tired and sort of in shock of what was happening. I have never been very active physically but not really heavy.... just not a sports or athletic person. I have been told I need both hips replaced. I have been told I need to start pt first.... But my knees have become very painful as well. I am working on my own pain protocal using excercise, mobic and tylenol - trying curcumin, glucosimine.... and it has provided some relief. Still very hard to get around. Looking for any thing that might have helped you. Frustrating because my GP said it was not related to the RCHOP although my oncologist pa said it was related. Either way - seeking help and advice from others who are or have dealt with this.
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