Clinical Trial | Auto stem cell transplant/ high dose chemo to address aggressive protein
Member Posts: 4
Before agreeing to the trial, i have to share having bone marrow biopsies freaked me out- the pain was intense for me.I responded very well to the initial rounds of chemo and was in remission. However, with more in depth testing as part of the trial i had a choice to either go directly to maintence treatment or have the transplant, as a protein was detected that could make cancer cells very aggressive. I was terrified but wanted the best opportunity to remain in remission. I had a Hickman implant- very frightening, bone cell stimulation i experienced odd bone pain from that, stem cell harvesting (which was not painful at all)and then a little over 3 weeks in the hospital. My first time being in a hospital longer than 2 days. My hair has fallen out- i shaved my head before going in and the the rest of my hair fell out, except brows and lashes. I experienced the nausea diarrhea mostly, chills and fevers and fatigue. Generally felt like like crap, and little to no appetite.
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